There’s an increasing amount of technology on the farm these days with GPS, Drones, agronomy advancements, and more assisting producers in maximizing yield. But using technology to analyze the marketing of your grain with an eye towards maximizing farm profitability is as important as ever to a long term and successful business. With RCM AG Services Farm Software Management technology setting up every inch of your farm across multiple crops and growing areas; you will know how your input costs, current prices, and current hedges and sales affect your bottom line each and every day.

Inside the Software
Micro-manage production by inputting estimated production yields field-by-field
- Track over 60 grain and cash crops
Cotton, livestock, corn, soybeans, wheat, rice, sunflowers, peanuts, and more
- Beef
Finish, background, cow/calf
- Hogs
- Dairy
Milk production
Crop Insurance
- Integrate specific crop insurance by whole farm, field-by-field
- USDA prices are imported to establish guaranteed bushels and revenue
- Guaranteed bushels are incorporated into cash marketing
- Customized Planning Tool
Fixed and variable expenses
Off-farm income
Break-even analysis
- Establish benchmarks return
- Estimates to actuals
- Establish and market to profit goals
- Planning
Detailed budget analysis
Cash flow summary
- Risk Management
Profit analysis
Revenue summary
- Bank Templates
Auto-filled reports to show lender
Integrate directly with bank upon request
Manage Marketing & Hedges
Manage Cash Sales
- % Sold vs unsold
- Contract Type
- Delivery
- Sort, filter & print
Track Futures & Options
- Auto import hedge trades
- Calculate % hedged
- Group by strategy
- Daily marked to market P&L
What-If Matrix stress test
- Run on-demand scenarios including futures, yield and insurance projections
- Understand the value of crop insurance and protection
- Visually see market changes and affect on overall cash and brokerage positions
- Create financial clarity amidst multiple unknowns