Category: Market Updates

25 Sep 2020

Ag Market Update: September 19 – 25

Corn was hit hard on the week as grains pulled back from their great run over the last month. As equity markets fell this week with a rise in Covid-19 in European countries, grains followed. Pullbacks this year are normal as harvest gets going. Harvest should get off to a fast start as weather in most areas looks good with no widespread rain, although it does not appear to be enough to delay harvest too much – even as cooler temperatures roll in. The lack of export news on Thursday did not help as this week’s drawback continued, and fell back to levels we saw last week. New sales heading into the weekend will give the bulls some good news, but everyone will be looking to the weekend to see how much progress is made on harvest and the yields we see. The Dec ’20 chart is below.



Just like corn, soybeans fell this week as a pullback on the grains hit them hard. Like mentioned above for corn, beans face pressure as harvest begins and the great weather outlook for it. The lack of any sales Thursday put more pressure on the markets, and beans felt the full weight of it as they will need continuous bullish news to keep them high after such an impressive run in the last month. Friday will be important as the bulls need purchases to continue and the bears are looking for large numbers to come out of harvest over the weekend and lower sales. China also believes they will be able to have another crop in some areas not flooded, so they may look to continue restocking their reserves with a mix of Chinese grains and imports. The Nov ’20 chart is below.



Wheat followed the lead of corn and beans this week as it sunk lower after solid gains the past month. It is still in the same area as it was trading last week so it has not seen near the pulldown that other grains have. Keep an eye on the Black Sea area for any surprises that could give them a boost or further reason to fall as export news seem tired on the market.


Dow Jones
The Dow fell on the week as a market-wide pullback/correction hit hard along with Europe beginning to face Covid-19 struggles again. The tech pullback continues after its incredibly strong run since the market collapse this spring. As we know with any election year, and maybe this one the most, expect volatility in the market along with the 2020 volatility we have seen. The chart below shows the daily volatility/ranges we have seen along with the drawbacks.


18 Sep 2020

Ag Market Update: September 12 – 18

Corn gained on the week following soybeans lead. Corn exports, like soybeans, have been strong with China being a large buyer recently. As some analysts have pointed out, this pace of Chinese purchases may be a signal that their supplies are much lower than they have reported. As most numbers that come out of China, one should be skeptical, so this may be showing us where they actually stand. With weather looking good heading into harvest, the next few weeks should allow for steady progress. As you can see from the chart below, prices are at the highest they have been since March heading into harvest following the upward trend in beans; you may want to begin looking at putting a floor in. If corn exports continue (136% ahead of where they were this time last year), we may still see an  upward trend, but keep an eye on demand as harvest begins.


Soybeans saw huge gains this week to get and stay over $10.00 for the first time in the last 2 years. The continued buying from China, 6+ MBU seemingly every day, has led this charge up as we continue to see large export numbers. Funds have also been buyers along the run and are nearing 1 BBU in net long positions, the largest long position since 2012 when we had a devastating drought. If China keeps up with the purchases it is definitely supportive for prices. Soybean exports are 189% ahead of where they were this time last year. If soybean sales keep up this pace there does not seem much to get in the way of prices as South America is running low on last year’s crop as they begin planting for this year. The chart below shows the recent surge reaching contract highs as we head into harvest.


Dow Jones
The Dow gained on the week after several up and down trading days as tech stocks continue to struggle after the large selloff last week. It seems to have weathered the storm and may continue its slow recovery as many major areas of the US stay in some form of lockdown.

World Weather
Dry and warm weather remains heading forward as harvest beings in the US. South America is unusually dry as planting season starts and Russian wheat areas need rain. A large spread soaking rain in SA may dip prices a bit, but if SA drought continues after planting that would be bullish for beans.

11 Sep 2020

Ag Market Update: September 5 – 11

Corn gains on the week have been driven from continued strong export numbers as well as trade expectations of a 178 yield estimate heading into the USDA report on Friday. The report came out with a 178.5 bu/acre estimate which is pretty in line with what the trade was expecting. The drop from the 181.8 bu/acre yield estimate from the previous USDA report comes from a combination of the storm damage in Iowa as well as the extended stretch of dryness across many states to end last month. This impressive run up by corn from the lows seen in early August has been welcome heading into harvest. With a 2.5 billion bushel carryover still estimated we may see a tightening of prices as corn leaves the fields and we get a better idea on final yield as well as demand. The bump up in expected corn exports is good to see as the USDA expects countries (China) to continue their buying. Below you can see the Supply and Demand chart for corn from the report.



Soybeans have seen strong gains like corn in the last month. The report came through with numbers close to expectations with little surprises. Exports continue at a good pace and China announced that they intend to rebuild government stocks. A month ago $10 soybeans did not seem to be in play but now it is within a few cents. As we get closer to harvest the weather’s effect on the crop will be diminished outside of an early freeze that could cause damage. Keep an eye on exports to keep their pace and any bullish weather news as that magic $10 number looks to be met. See the Soybean Supply and Demand chart from Friday’s report below.



Dow Jones
The Dow has continued to bounce up and down finishing down on the week as tech continues its loses. As the pandemic drags on and business come back or close for good the attention will begin to shift towards the election.

Korea Bans German Pork Imports
South Korea banned German pork imports this week after an African swine Fever case was confirmed in Germany. This move falls in line with guidelines for animal food and safety and is an expected move as South Korea themselves have had trouble with ASF in parts of the country and has been banned from exporting its pork products. Look for some of South Korea’s demand to come to the US market.

USDA: The USDA released their World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates today, read the entire report here.

04 Sep 2020

AG Market Update: August 29 – September 4

Corn saw slight loses on the week after trading in the low $3.60s despite strong export numbers and falling crop conditions. The crop conditions at this point usually fall as corn starts to get ready for harvest and lose its color as ratings come from looking at the fields rather than any testing. As China has continued to be a large buyer it looks like the market has factored in their purchases and will expect similar levels or purchases moving forward. The forecasts have some rain in much needed areas as we get closer to harvest to help hold on to what many expected to be a great crop a month ago but has seen stress as of late. Rain over the weekend is expected for much of the corn belt especially in areas of the WCB that have been the driest. Although the rain may be late to help out corn much it should give the beans in those areas help. Look for the trade to hold its breath and trade in the $3.50-$3.60 range as everyone holds their breath in anticipation of the USDA Report next Friday.

Soybeans continue its climb higher as exports continue to be huge. Despite a bearish change in the weather with widespread rain coming this weekend the demand continues to pull beans higher. The rain could be coming at just the right time in certain areas as yields can still be effected. One private yield estimate from StoneX pegged the US bean yield at 52.9 bushels. This would be a larger trend line yield but with the increased demand from China it would not crush prices moving forward. Keep an eye on other private estimates as we head into the USDA Report next Friday to hopefully get an idea what the USDA might come out with. Look for exports to continue their strong run as any pullback would hurt prices that have been drawing their strength from recently.

DOW Jones

After trading over 29,000 the Dow saw large losses on Thursday after a week of gains. After the large run-up the last few months the losses could be from profit taking or the start of a market correction but there is no way to tell after one day.

Vaccine News

The US Center for Disease Control announced that states should prepare for a potential vaccine on November 1st. This would be great news heading into the end of 2020 and also right before the election.

28 Aug 2020


Corn saw solid gains on the week as large exports and continued weather problems were the market movers. The western corn belt looks to continue its dry run in the coming week with no widespread rain expected in areas that have been suffering from drought. This will put more strain on the crop as we head into harvest. The crop, especially in Iowa on top of the storm damage, has been fighting drought conditions most of the summer in the western corn belt so an already strained crop doesn’t look like it will get much help coming down the stretch. Large exports this week also helped give a boost as China is stepping up their purchases over the past month. Along with the rally in Dec ’20 prices the ’21 crop has gotten a boost as well to much more attractive levels than a few weeks ago. The chart below shows the rebound back to levels we last saw around the 4th of July. It is possible we have already put in a low heading into harvest as weather outlooks, crop conditions and exports have been favorable for prices as of late. Unfortunately favorable for prices does not usually mean favorable for the crop so hope exports continue because any good weather news to help the crops would be bearish for prices.

Via Barchart


Soybeans saw a major bounce this week as weather concerns and Chinese buying drove the market. As soybean yields are still at a higher risk than corn at this point in the year the dry weather outlook could cause some damage to the crop. Like corn, the areas already in drought conditions will continue to hurt along with areas that have just started struggling look to continue into September. The continued exports to China are promising as consistent buying in bulk would be promising of long term Chinese demand. As everyone likes to see prices going higher for this year after a long year of Covid-19 and weather, do not forget to be thinking about the ’21 prices if the rally continues where you could sell forward some of your production for ‘21 or gain some premium for storing until next summer. If China continues making purchases and the weather remains grim look for this rally to continue or hold until there is news to stop it.

Via Barchart


Hurricane Laura
Hurricane Laura slammed the gulf coast in eastern Texas and western Louisiana as a category 4 storm. The hurricane will bring 5-10 inches of rain and heavy winds to the western Mississippi Valley. As the storm is expected to turn northeast and dump rains on the southern Ohio Valley this weekend it will miss the areas that need the rain the most in the western corn belt. Seeing the destruction brought by the storm along the coast our thoughts and prayers are with everyone affected. (Check out some more thoughts on a hurricanes effect on futures markets from our sister company here)   

21 Aug 2020

Ag Markets Update: August 15 – 21

Corn stayed level on the week after last week’s rally from the storm damage. Pro Farmer Tour is on the road this week looking at several areas across the midwest. The markets will be keeping an eye on them as they try and assess the damage of the storm and how many bushels were lost as well as the potential yields in areas not affected by the storm. So far the PFT has shown better than expected yield potential for Ohio, Indiana, Nebraska and the Dakotas. The parts of Iowa and Illinois to miss the storm look strong as well but storm damage is ultimately what people are holding their breathe for. Parts of western Iowa that were not affected by the storm have had another problem of their own, a severe drought that is going to cost the area bushels as well. All eyes and ears will be on the PFT as they try and estimate how many acres/bushels were lost to the derecho; more than expected expect another small rally, less than expected we could see another retreat as we head into harvest season.


Soybeans saw a small boost this week as China continues to be a major buyer. PFT is also looking at beans and making estimates based off pod counts so that has been a market mover this week as well. Bean pod count numbers are running well ahead of last year and historical averages, which indicates the bean crop still has above trend line potential which is bearish at these levels after the recent 54-cent rally. Several areas are in need of rain as well in the next 10-14 day window that look relatively dry for most areas continuing the trend of the past couple of weeks. At this stage beans still have plenty of ways to go to get to harvest ready so keeping an eye on them as August comes to a close will be important as well as always keeping an eye on export numbers.


Cotton prices gained on the week as strong exports and the concern of the possibility of a tropical storm in the gulf grew. West Texas has already had many weather issues, but the south has had a good year so far for growing but a storm with strong winds could change that. China was the biggest buyer of cotton on this weeks export report with 13 total buyers. This is promising as it would appear that other countries demand is beginning to come back after a summer of shutdowns has kept exports low. The US dollar continues to struggle providing some support for US commodities on the world stage. Continue keeping an eye on China as more rains continue to affect the Yangtze River as it reached new record water levels this week. The US and PRC look to continue trade talks in the coming days so expect any news, positive or negative, to affect the market.



18 Aug 2020

AG Markets Update: August 8 -13


Corn, along with other crops, got a big boost on Thursday this week. After a derecho ripped through Iowa and parts of Illinois damaging millions of acres and lots of grain storage bins the market seems to be trying to price in the damage. Despite a pretty bearish USDA report this week corn has bounced on the storm and the news from the FSA of an estimated 9 million prevent plant acres, 5.37 MA of corn. This week tested both contract lows and highs for the month as traders are trying to figure out how the derecho and PP numbers are going to effect final yields and supply. Along with assessing the damage there was wide ranging damage done to the crop and some people thought some areas could rebound and still be able to harvest which is holding a big question mark over the market right now. You can see the chart below shows the rebound this week after a few weeks of losses. The USDA report yesterday estimated a 181.8 BPA yield for this year which would have been bearish if not for the weather events this week. It is important to note this number did not include the damage from the storm which some are estimating could cut over 3 bushels per acre from final yield. As we continue to learn the exact damage from the storm to the top corn producing area of the country prices will move on news.



Soybeans, like corn, were affected by the derecho storm that ripped through the Midwest. Even though it is not grown as much as corn in those areas it still takes up a significant portion of their acres. In the USDA report this week they came out with an estimated 53.3 BPA yield and large ending stock numbers. Despite bearish report numbers beans have seen a solid gain this week as rumors of South America running out of beans to sell seems to be coming to fruition. Another indicator that SA has oversold their crop is that US soybeans are now competitive in the world cash market. China continues to buy large amounts of US soybeans as they head into the meeting this weekend to discuss progress on the Phase 1 Agreement. 1.22 million acres of soybeans were in the 9 million total acres of prevent plant helping this week as well. In the chart below you can see the $0.20+ bounce back to the $9.00 range from the end of last week and start of this week.



Phase 1 Trade Agreement Meeting

The US and China are set to have their first check-in meeting to assess how Phase 1 is going (spoiler alert: not great). This is on top of recent tensions over the closing of embassies and spying allegations. Not sure that anything good can come out of these talks but they will be worth keeping an eye on August 15th. Hopefully, we see a commitment to ramp up and get a boost to start that week following.


The storm that ripped through Iowa and parts of Illinois this week caused damage to an estimated 10 million acres and lots of grain storage bins at the farm level and elevator level. The satellite image below shows the extent of how many crops were knocked down/blown over. How much, if any, of these crops can stand back up remains to be seen, as lots of areas think it will be a total loss that will become silage or another use.

10 Aug 2020

Ag Markets Update: August 1 – 7

Corn took it on the chin this week, again, as crop conditions and weather forecasts continue to point toward the potential of a record yield. With strong conditions and weather moving forward, most of the corn belt, with the exception of parts of Iowa suffering from severe drought, are running out of time for many weather factors to effect the crop. Keeping an eye on forecasts for Ohio and Michigan will be important to farmers as they could use some rain in those areas but are not desperate, yet. If the forecast continues to look promising there is not much bullish news out there to help find support with a 180 bpa crop still in play. Keep an eye on exports as we continue to see strong export numbers but little positive price reaction as a product of it. Yield estimates range from 178-183 bpa from what we have seen from across the spectrum, showing that many top experts believe a record yield could be seen this year.

Soybeans had a tough week like corn because high yields are still very much in play on top of already strong stocks. Without China ramping up their purchases to try and at least act like they are trying to reach the Phase 1 Trade Agreement; beans are running into a demand problem. Bean yields are looking to potentially be 52+ bpa with a 73% G/E rating this week saw prices take a hit. Beans and corn have been moving lower over the last few weeks as few weather issues and no large surprises in demand have come to fruition. Any problem that China has with the Three Gorges Dam area could lead to more purchases but a total failure of the dam would be a disaster as it could cause a massive loss of life along with flooding of large areas of farmland.

Cotton has seen a boost this week as it, like other raw materials have seen a boost as demand around the world starts to come back. Another supportive factor for cotton has been the continued decline in the value of the US Dollar. The threat of Hurricane Isaias effecting the crop in the SE helped give a boost early in the week but how much damage it actually did to the crop remains to be seen. If prices can breach and stay above 65 cents that would be a good level of support.

Phase 1 Trade Agreement Meeting
The US and China are set to have their first check-in meeting to assess how Phase 1 is going (spoiler alert: not great). This is on top of recent tensions over the closing of embassies and spying allegations. Not sure that anything good can actually come out of these talks but they will be worth keeping an eye on August 15th. Hopefully we see a commitment to ramp up and get a boost to start that week following.

Lumber continues its upward trend to price levels we have not seen since 2018. Lumber is a commodity the is easily produced because of the sheer quantity of it available supply is not an issue to slow down consumption. As many purchases and contracts are done well in advance the demand has not wavered as much as the pipeline of getting it from A-Z has. In a volatile market like this, especially during this kind of positive run for price, nobody ever wants to call the top so looks like everyone may want to ride it out and see what happens.

31 Jul 2020

Ag Markets Update: July 25 – 31

As weather across the country continues to be supportive for the crops corn prices have dropped. The past few weeks of timely rain and cooler temperatures has put a trend line or record national yield very much in view. From talking to farmers across the country many think this has potential to be one of their best crops and as great as that is everyone knows the larger the yields the lower the prices tend to be. With China well behind on their phase 1 trade agreement purchases, corn will need to get support elsewhere unless China decides to ramp up their purchases in the second half of 2020. Keep an eye on the flooding in China as they have lost over a million acres of farmland and will tighten their supplies. The higher crop conditions this week did not help prices either as they came as a surprise.

Soybeans and corn are in a similar situation where large yields are very much in play due to the weather of the past month and what looks to be coming. Soybean exports continue along at a good pace but nowhere near the Phase 1 agreement numbers that were expected. If China can ramp up their purchases in the coming months beans can get a boost that is unlikely to come without a weather problem. The good export news of late has been offset by good weather and higher expected yields which is frustrating seeing bullish news be uneventful for prices.

After a short term pull back from the near term highs markets bounced off a technical low and appear poised to give the highs another run.  Weather watchers will be tracking hurricane Isaias and it’s potential impact to the delta over the weekend.  In many cases the fear of hurricanes has been bigger than the actual punch.  In reality, following the storm days in advance does little good and is often a story of buy the rumor and sell the fact.  Look for prices to test the 65 cent level and be prepared to increase hedge protection above 63.50.


DOW Jones

The Dow continues its slight downtrend this week as Covid-19 cases remain high in many parts of the country. Despite good vaccine news coming out this week as several promising candidates move onto the next phase of trials, the Dow fell again. All eyes were on Capital Hill this week as Google, Facebook, Amazon and Apple’s CEOs were questioned by politicians looking at anti-trust issues. These were not huge market movers but something to keep an eye on as these companies have helped lead the charge up from the lows back in March along with other big tech companies.


24 Jul 2020

Ag Markets Update: July 18 – 24

Corn held relatively steady this week after falling the past few weeks due to the June crop report. Exports have stayed consistent, but the lack of any weather problems is keeping corn in the range it is in. The cooler forecast with enough rain to support the crop is going to prevent upward price movement with the possibility of a 178 (trend line) yield still in play. China is the main buyer of U.S. Corn right now as major rains that are threatening the Three Gorges Dam area and throughout the Hubei Province have wiped out much of the non-U.S. crop.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture announced China’s largest ever corn purchase from the U.S. on July 14, totaling 1.762 million metric tons for delivery in 2020-21, and U.S. Grains Council President and CEO Ryan LeGrand tells Agri-Pulse that it’s more proof that demand is on the rise.

“We’ve always believed the demand is there,” LeGrand said. “They have been suffering from African swine fever, but they’re ringing the bell on these corn purchases.” (Ag Week)

Continued Chinese buying would be some good bullish news to balance out the bearish good weather news.

Soybeans gained on the week to reach the $9.00 mark again. China made several large purchases of U.S. soybeans this week despite the continued rising political tensions. The same destructive rains in the Hubei province that are wiping out corn will continue to have China buying U.S. ag products to make up for their potentially huge loses. The crop condition report this week was uneventful and as we approach the important stage for soybeans they look to be in good shape with the forecast being friendly as well. Beans have seemed to have had support at the 20 and 50 DMAs recently, so that should help moving forward even with the positive forecast.

A West Texas drought has been supportive for prices, but the lack of demand is the ultimate issue as prices can only move so high. If a healthy amount of rain moves into West Texas, look for prices to fall as a good yield and no buyers would present another problem. A weakening U.S. dollar may also provide some help as a lower U.S. Dollar means U.S. cotton is more affordable to other countries. In Other News see more info about the weakening U.S. Dollar.


U.S. Dollar
The Dollar has fallen 9.1% and made new 9 ½ month lows in today’s trade. With record U.S. debt and another stimulus package on the way, the Dollar has devalued endlessly by continuously running printing presses in DC. This is generally good for commodities as it indicates raw material inflation is on the horizon and that U.S. prices become more competitive as other currencies rally against the Dollar. Even though mildly helpful for the Ag industry, it’s not enough to fix the current oversupply problem.
