Tag: Weather

07 Oct 2024


Corn’s rally back to $4.25 has been welcome heading into harvest as South America’s weather started off a little weary but have added rains to the upcoming forecast. The US drought to end growing season does not appear to have impacted the corn crop very much. Export demand has picked up putting us ahead of the USDA annual projections. The recent rally has taken corn above other major exporters which will likely lead to slowing exports unless South American weather becomes more of a concern. Harvest has gotten off to an average start with 21% harvested as dry weather shouldn’t cause any problems in the next week.

Via Barchart

Soybeans faded to end the week as harvest progress and pressure lead to profit taking after the recent rally. The biggest news related to soybeans, non harvest related, is that congress seems to be working on bipartisan legislature to address the importing of used cooking oil while still collecting tax credits. The American farmer wants this loophole closed to force biofuel producers in the US to use domestic production. This will lead to millions of more bushels used at crush facilities in the US throughout the year with a major question of, what happens to the bean meal? The longer congress and the lobbying associations take on this legislature will lead to more frustration among farmers across the country so with it being an election year I would be careful with what gets “leaked” by parties involved. The end of year drought across much of the US likely led to a smaller crop as pods did not get the moisture needed for max fill. Bean harvest is slightly ahead of expectations at 26% to start the week of Sept 30.

Via Barchart

Equity Markets

The equity markets continue to roll hitting new all-time highs as Fed rate cuts and the likelihood of a soft landing becomes higher. The market has broadened out but the biggest names (Nvidia, Meta, etc) are still doing well. With rates lowering over the next year expect money that has been getting 5%+ in fixed income to begin to move back into the market. Chinese stimulus prompted a large rally in Chinese stocks this week as they try to get their economy going again.

Via Barchart

Other News

  • The Fed announced a 50-basis point rate cut this month, cutting rates for the first time since the Pandemic. More rates are expected into the end of the year.
  • Tensions in the Middle East escalated as Iran launched attacks on Israel. Israel is expected to respond but how and when remain unknown, with attacks on oil fields a possibility crude oil rallied over the week.
  • Hurricane Helene caused massive devastation in the United States Southeast over the weekend causing loss of life and destruction of major infrastructure. The total amount of damage is still unknown, but it will take the mountain communities a long time to recover.

Drought Monitor

Via Barchart.com

Contact an Ag Specialist Today

Whether you’re a producer, end-user, commercial operator, RCM AG Services helps protect revenues and control costs through its suite of hedging tools and network of buyers/sellers — Contact Ag Specialist Brady Lawrence today at 312-858-4049 or [email protected].


12 Sep 2024


Corn has gotten back above $4.00 in a struggling market that needs good news to propel it back to the mid $4s. The USDA raised US corn yield to 183.6 bu/ac up from 183.1 bu/ac in last month’s report. In the USDA’s eyes the crop is getting bigger as struggling areas will be more than made up for by the best areas across the corn belt. Despite the higher US yield numbers, the corn trade following the report was welcome to see as it did not move much lower on larger numbers. If corn can bounce off or hold this $4 level then we can probably expect it to hang around here as planting gets rolling until we know what is actually in the field and if the numbers are closer to 180 or 183.6.

Via Barchart

Soybeans have seen a nice 50+ cent rally off recent lows with dryness in areas causing a little concern with pod fill and some pickup in demand. The USDA kept yield the same at 53.2 bu/ac as they agree with Pro Farmer tour that a massive crop is out there. Like corn, this recent bounce off lows is encouraging but may setup a range bound trade until harvest gets rolling and we have a better idea on the true yield. The USDA did slightly lower US ending stocks in both 23/24 and 24/25. Continued exports and any issues to South American planting are needed to drive beans higher in the current market.

Via Barchart

Equity Markets

The equity markets have been on a bit of a roller coaster lately with the tech/semiconductor trade having quite a bit of volatility while some rotation occurs with the Fed rate cuts expected to begin this month.

Via Barchart

Other News

  • The market is expecting a 25 basis point cut to the Fed Funds rate this month


  • Wheat has been the one positive market lately, hitting new 2-month highs. The war in Ukraine and Russia continues to escalate and the market has responded accordingly. The USDA did not make any major changes in the report.

Drought Monitor

Via Barchart.com

Contact an Ag Specialist Today

Whether you’re a producer, end-user, commercial operator, RCM AG Services helps protect revenues and control costs through its suite of hedging tools and network of buyers/sellers — Contact Ag Specialist Brady Lawrence today at 312-858-4049 or [email protected].


26 Aug 2024


Corn’s continued weakness following the August USDA report. Pro Farmer completed their crop tour last week and see the US yield being 181.1 bu/ac and a total 14.979-billion-bushel production. With another record crop expected this year, the market is continuing lower as plenty of 2023 corn remains in storage needing to be moved before this year’s harvest gets underway. The end of month heat is not expected to do much damage to the corn crop, but this crop is not done yet and still needs some more rain to get to the finish line. While demand is improving in the commodity space with a weaker USD, the large supply is still driving prices lower for the time being. There is not any major news to keep an eye on coming up except export and weather news.

Via Barchart

Pro Farmer found a massive crop in their tour last week estimating the 2024 US bean crop at 54.9 bu/ac(!!) and 4.74-billion-bushel total production. This soybean yield would easily be a record and would justify the collapse in bean prices seen this year. The current heat will likely stress the crop a bit, making that big a yield unlikely, however we should still expect to see a record crop, like corn. Soybeans need some good news in the form of demand whether that be from exports or the sustainable fuel market to get this thing turned around without production concerns in South America.

Via Barchart

Equity Markets

The equity markets have rallied back to recent highs after a small correction with the Yen carry unwind and some market broadening out of tech. With earnings season coming to an end markets will trade on economic data and any election surprises after Nvidia this week.

Via Barchart

Other News

  • Fed chairman Powell spoke in Jackson Hole last week and set up for the Fed to begin cutting rates next month.
  • The Canadian rail strike started and seemingly ended quickly with the government stepping in and saying that arbitration will decide negotiations.
  • Wheat’s summer trend lower from the $7.59 high looks to continue as it is not getting any help from other commodities to pull it up.

Drought Monitor


Via Barchart.com

Contact an Ag Specialist Today

Whether you’re a producer, end-user, commercial operator, RCM AG Services helps protect revenues and control costs through its suite of hedging tools and network of buyers/sellers — Contact Ag Specialist Brady Lawrence today at 312-858-4049 or [email protected].


12 Aug 2024


Corn moved lower in the last couple weeks to trade around $4 heading into the August 12th USDA report. While the market saw small gains after the report, the numbers will continue to put pressure on corn as a record crop is headed our way. The August report has the US crop with a 183.1 bpa, 15.147-billion-bushel production, with good weather in the forecast there is not much to push this market higher currently. While these numbers are more bearish than expected, the market response to finish higher is a welcome sight after another move lower.

Via Barchart

Beans have very little positive news behind them as you can see from the chart. The US yield was bumped to a would be record of 53.2 bpa while harvested acres were 1.2 million acres higher than the trade was expecting, neither are good for prices. Brazil planting will get rolling in about a month with acreage expansion expected again. With prices this low, the acreage expansion will not be as straight forward as in the past but with no weather issues here or in South America there is not much supporting beans. Corn and beans would both greatly benefit from funds getting out of some short positions.

Via Barchart

Equity Markets

The equity markets have been volatile over the last couple weeks with last Monday seeing some huge swings in global equity markets. With rate cuts expected in September and a big week of economic news we should get a better idea of what to expect heading into the election.

Via Barchart

Other News

  • Election years add another wrinkle in the markets as Kamala Harris’ campaign has been off to a fast start naming Minnesota Governor Tim Walz as VP running mate ahead of the DNC in Chicago next week.
  • Escalation in war in Israel/Gaza and Ukraine/Russia will be worth keeping an eye on as it could lead to issues in global energy supply.
  • Wheat numbers were slightly bullish in the report with production and stocks below estimates

Drought Monitor

Via Barchart.com

Contact an Ag Specialist Today

Whether you’re a producer, end-user, commercial operator, RCM AG Services helps protect revenues and control costs through its suite of hedging tools and network of buyers/sellers — Contact Ag Specialist Brady Lawrence today at 312-858-4049 or [email protected].


22 Jul 2024


Corn has consolidated in the $4 to $4.20 range since July 8 even with the USDA report. The USDA did not release any major updates to production as they let expected US yield at 181 bu/ac but it did have lower ending stocks for the next 2 years with increased old crop exports and increased feed demand. This bullish news was not enough to put a fire behind corn as the US crop this year remains on record breaking pace with the great weather start to the year. The forecasts to start the week were adjusted for a warmer drier US starting this week than initially thought, lifting markets.

Via Barchart

Beans seemed to find a near term bottom last week trading into the low $10.30 range. The sharp rally to start the week was a welcome sign with the largest up day for the Nov contract in at least the last 6 months. The USDA made minimal changes to soybeans in their update while adding demand to offset potentially record yields in the US. As we head into the back half of summer the bean market will trade on export demand from China and US weather.

Via Barchart

Equity Markets

The equity markets have shown volatility in July as several mega cap stocks that had been driving the market fell last week while small cap stocks saw their best week in years. The market is expecting rate cuts in September and the moves of last week appear to be repositioning within the market as funds space out their funds more away from the biggest stocks.

Via Barchart

Other News

  • President Joe Biden announced he would not seek reelection in November and put his support behind Kamala Harris to be the Democrats nominee. The DNC is in Chicago next week where unless a challenger pops up, she will become the nominee.
  • An assassination attempt on former president and current GOP nominee Donald Trump occurred at a rally last week after a gunmen fired on him at the event hitting his ear and killing someone in attendance.
  • The Ag markets will pay attention to the election as tariffs and trade wars (potentially from both candidates) are on the table.
  • Cotton continues its weakness drifting lower as the US is trending towards a large crop at this point in the year with weak demand from the global market.

Drought Monitor


Via Barchart.com

Contact an Ag Specialist Today

Whether you’re a producer, end-user, commercial operator, RCM AG Services helps protect revenues and control costs through its suite of hedging tools and network of buyers/sellers — Contact Ag Specialist Brady Lawrence today at 312-858-4049 or [email protected].


14 Jun 2024


Corn’s small 18 cent rally off recent lows for new crop corn has been very welcome after 6 down days in a 7-day period to end May and start June. This week’s USDA Report was a non-event with the USDA making no changes to South Americas production from last month despite the trade expecting production well below the USDA’s estimate of 175 mmt (171.82 estimated). CONAB released their estimates on Thursday, increasing their estimates for Brazil’s corn crop but still 310 million bushels below what the USDA is saying. The heat over the next couple of weeks is not expected to be a major problem but if this level of heat with a lack of rain goes into July the markets would take notice and begin to worry a bit.

Via Barchart

Beans are lower over the last 2 weeks with them settling into a flat trade this week. The USDA report was uneventful despite the USDA cutting another 1 mmt from Brazil’s bean crop. US exports were revised lower and ending stocks rose as the slow pace of exports continued. With no major surprises and no major weather/production issues yet there is not much bullish news outside of CONAB’s Brazil production estimate which is 207 million bushels below this week’s USDA update.

Via Barchart

Equity Markets

The S&P 500 and NASQDAQ continue to move higher setting new all-time highs as several large tech companies beat on earnings. The AI movement is continuing its dominance, but some other areas are starting to find strength as funds are forced to reposition.

Via Barchart

Other News

  • The cotton market continues lower as there is nothing bullish in the news cycle for it other than the potential for up to 25 named hurricanes this year.
  • Wheat’s roller coaster ride continues with potential for lower Black Sea production still a possibility after the $1.50+ rally follows by a $1 fall with 10 down days in a row.

Drought Monitor

Via Barchart.com

Contact an Ag Specialist Today

Whether you’re a producer, end-user, commercial operator, RCM AG Services helps protect revenues and control costs through its suite of hedging tools and network of buyers/sellers — Contact Ag Specialist Brady Lawrence today at 312-858-4049 or [email protected].


03 Jun 2024


Corn had a rough week as planting is nearly wrapped up and the expectation of high initial US crop ratings put pressure on the market. The forecast for June turned slightly wetter but will not have any material impact on planting finishing up. The Black Sea yields continue to be pressured due to their weather with no immediate relief apparent. The USDA Crop Production report on June 12 will be watched closely as we get updates for the US including acreage, area harvested, and yield. The market will be looking for any good news before then to help support a weakening market.

Via Barchart

Beans fell on the week as planting advances despite some slowdowns in some areas due to weather. Currently only 3% of soybean production comes from areas experiencing drought. Rio Grande do Sul is turning warmer and drier after weeks of issues with flooding. Morgan Stanley estimates 5 million tonnes of soybeans were lost to the flooding in the region. Beans, like corn, have no bullish weather to help the market as it looks like normal planting progress should be made and no major weather issues in the forecast.

Via Barchart

Equity Markets

The equity markets have had a rough go lately with all major indexes falling well off recent highs. Several earnings misses and growing belief that “higher for longer” could last through the summer has people raising questions about the market.

Via Barchart

Other News

  • The Black Sea weather forecast has improved for next week as rain has been added to the forecast.
  • Wheat has seen a strong rally since mid-April seeing a $1.50+ rally at one point with possible production issues in the Black Sea even with the small pullback to end the week.

Drought Monitor

Via Barchart.com

Contact an Ag Specialist Today

Whether you’re a producer, end-user, commercial operator, RCM AG Services helps protect revenues and control costs through its suite of hedging tools and network of buyers/sellers — Contact Ag Specialist Brady Lawrence today at 312-858-4049 or [email protected].


22 Apr 2024


Corn continued its slow bleed lower over the last couple weeks with no major bullish news to turn this market around. US weather may slow planting down to end April a bit but not enough for markets to begin to worry anytime soon. Argentina’s rain will continue to slow harvest as the discrepancy between the USDA and South American reporting services remains a mystery. The bounce to end the week was due to escalation of the Israel and Hamas/Iran fighting in the middle east.  According to Reuters the US EPA is expected to announce plans to temporarily waive restrictions on higher-ethanol gasoline blends this summer. This market is at the mercy of funds and weather which currently aren’t helping prices higher.

Via Barchart

Beans continued lower as they lost another 20+ cents this week even with the big up day on Friday. Beans need any good news they can get as you can see from the chart below it has been a rough few months. Soybean oil has also had a rough go lately as bullish news is lacking in the soybean complex. The size of the bean harvest with the USDA and CONAB numbers still far apart will be the biggest factor moving forward as we need all the information we can get. We did get close to the technical support which is good to see a bounce there.

Via Barchart

Equity Markets

The equity markets continued their recent struggles as tech and AI stocks have given back some recent gains. Pullbacks are healthy for markets, especially after the run we have had to start the last few months being so concentrated, but sticky inflation and war escalation provides some problems to monitor as earnings are set to ramp up next week.

Via Barchart

Other News

  • Israel retaliated against Iran overnight continuing the escalation of tensions and war in the middle east.
  • The USD keeps moving higher as the June USD Index went over 106 earlier this week.
  • Cotton has struggled of late as a lack of demand on the global scale and no weather issues yet in the US pulled it back from recent highs.

Via Barchart

Drought Monitor

Here is the current drought monitor as we head toward planting with subsoil moisture a focus.

Via Barchart.com

Contact an Ag Specialist Today

Whether you’re a producer, end-user, commercial operator, RCM AG Services helps protect revenues and control costs through its suite of hedging tools and network of buyers/sellers — Contact Ag Specialist Brady Lawrence today at 312-858-4049 or [email protected].

11 Mar 2024


Corn has managed to peel off its recent lows despite no major changes in the market. South America’s harvest is moving right along, while the crop appears to be smaller than initially anticipated, the increase in acreage seen will still likely make this a record crop. The March USDA Crop Report gave a little ground in their estimates for South American production of soybeans but slightly raised the estimates for production in Argentina for corn. These changes were inconsequential to any market movement as CONAB numbers this week will be the next data to give the market more direction.

Via Barchart

Soybeans got some good, but not great, news in the USDA report with the USDA slightly lowering the production in Brazil. While many private estimates in South America are still lower than the USDA’s, this shows that the USDA believes the others may be right but are not yet willing to give all their production back. This week’s CONAB numbers will be worth keeping an eye on. Basis has been slowly rising during harvest, hinting at this crop being smaller than expected. Continued gains following Tuesday’s report would be welcome as the further we can put the lows behind us, the better.

Via Barchart

Equity Markets

The equity markets continued their grind higher with a broadening in recent weeks to other names outside of the Magnificent 7. With slower job growth and a slightly higher unemployment rate, the Fed appears to be getting what they aimed for in a soft landing, but inflation is still sticky. The Fed may begin cutting rates in the second half of 2024.

Via Barchart

Other News

  • The stock market continues to make all time highs while AI stocks have driven this rally, some rebalancing appears to be occurring.

Drought Monitor

Here is the current drought monitor as we head toward planting with subsoil moisture a focus.

Via Barchart.com

Contact an Ag Specialist Today

Whether you’re a producer, end-user, commercial operator, RCM AG Services helps protect revenues and control costs through its suite of hedging tools and network of buyers/sellers — Contact Ag Specialist Brady Lawrence today at 312-858-4049 or [email protected].

18 Dec 2023


Corn has been rage bound for the last two weeks with no catalysts in the market to move it much either direction. The weather in South America has improved slightly in areas that got off to a tough start but doesn’t seem to have made much a difference on the market. It is still a wait and see approach for the South American crop, nobody wants to jump to conclusions. Th Biden administration is supporting tax credits for ethanol-based sustainable aviation fuel, which would result in a major new demand source down the road. The markets will likely be muted in both volume and price movement as we head into the end of the year.

Via Barchart

Soybeans have bounced around the last couple of weeks with a steady stream of exports and the Argentinian peso devaluation. The latest crush report from NOPA recorded a record for the month and about 3 million bushels more than pre-report estimates. The demand for beans has been there and seems to be significant but with so much time still to go before South America’s crop is known. Estimates keep shrinking the Bazil crop, which the market shrugs off, making it a hard market to be overly bullish in when good news is not met with good market reactions.

Via Barchart

Equity Markets

The equity markets continued their run higher this week as the Fed kept rates steady and seem likely to begin cuts in 2024. The rest of the market has begun participating as the Magnificent 7 stocks had done most of the heavy lifting to this point. Analysts are still warry of a soft landing recession but for now the markets are moving higher in the short term.

Via Barchart

Other News

  • The Fed held rates steady this week with markets expecting them to start cutting in the first half of 2024.
  • Argentina devalued the peso by more than 50% to try and help the nation’s struggling economy.

Via Barchart.com

Contact an Ag Specialist Today

Whether you’re a producer, end-user, commercial operator, RCM AG Services helps protect revenues and control costs through its suite of hedging tools and network of buyers/sellers — Contact Ag Specialist Brady Lawrence today at 312-858-4049 or [email protected].