Tag: agriculture

15 Jan 2023


Corn finished the week strong following the January USDA report. The report had a mix of bullish and bearish news with the USDA raising the yield estimate to 173.3 bu/acre from 172.3 in November. At the same time they cut total production due to lowered harvested acreage while lowering US and world ending stocks. The USDA also lowered production estimates for South America by lowering Argentina yield 3 bu/acre and Brazil 1 bu/acre. Exports were also lowered as a bearish factor with lower usage. The news in the report was slightly bullish for corn and it needed it but there are still many factors around the world that can change. Argentina’s weather remains hot and dry for the next week and many private estimates believe the crop will continue to get lower.

Via Barchart

Soybeans participated in the post rally on bullish numbers from the USDA. The USDA lowered bean yield to 49.5 bu/acre, .7 bu/acre lower than November report. The lower yields and lower harvested acres lead to a lower US ending stocks of 210 million bushels. They also lowered Argentina’s bean yield by 4 bushels per acre and raised Brazil’s 1 bu/acre. Beans have been trading higher over the last couple of months and the report did not throw water on it. While any further rallies will be met with farmer selling, South American weather will be the main factor going forward.

Via Barchart

Equity Markets

The Dow rallied this week along with other indexes as the market has started off the year on a positive note. CPI came in at 6.5% continuing its trend lower but still well above where the Fed wants it, expect them to continue to raise rates. Recession fears remain with many analysts still expecting one this year in the US and in Europe. Ultimately the market is still looking for a direction as it tries to figure out what comes next.

Via Barchart

Drought Monitor


With every new year, there are new opportunities, and there’s no better time to dive deeply into the stock market and tax-saving strategies for 2023 than now. In our latest episode of the Hedged Edge, we’re joined by Tim Webb, Chief Investment Officer and Managing Partner from our sister company, RCM Wealth Advisors. Tim is no stranger to advising institutions and agribusinesses where he has been implementing no-nonsense financial planning strategies and market investment disciplines to help Clients build and maintain wealth and reach financial goals since

Inside this jam-packed session, we’re taking a break from commodities, and talking about the world of equities, interest rates, tax savings, and business planning strategies. Plus, Jeff and Tim delve into a variety of topics like:

  • The current state of the markets within the wealth management industry
  • Is there a beacon of hope, or is it all doom and gloom for the markets?
  • Other strategies to think about outside of the stock market and so much more!

Via Barchart.com


Contact an Ag Specialist Today

Whether you’re a producer, end-user, commercial operator, RCM AG Services helps protect revenues and control costs through its suite of hedging tools and network of buyers/sellers — Contact Ag Specialist Brady Lawrence today at 312-858-4049 or [email protected].


09 Jan 2023

The Leonard Lumber Report: The market continued its drift lower as the cash market was silent


The market continued its drift lower as the cash market was silent. At this point I think you need to begin the process of determining value. March futures sit at $370. That is the lowest price seen since April of 2020. $370 is not low if you compare it to the last 50 years. It is low if you compare it with the last 5. So, the question today is whether the recession is going to be deep or mild? If you answer the recession question, then you also answered the value question.

A recession is slowed by infusing the system with capital. We have never had so much available capital in the marketplace in history. That money sitting there needs to be used. Is that enough to soften the recession? I don’t know. I’m guessing that the recession doesn’t need to be that deep, but the trickle-down funding process could keep it dragging on. That won’t kill the housing market. If the recession is going to be mild, then this industry needs a buy round. There hasn’t been a good buy since October. One is needed today just to get the players back in the game. It will be short and not cause much of a rebound but is needed. Buying wood at $330 or lower is a low-risk investment. It’s hard to believe the pushback. I’m not looking for a reversal in the trend. With supply and demand going in opposite directions the clean-up will take time.


The fundemental and technical picture is one in the same today. The RSI in March is at 34% at its contract low. That is not bullish. It keeps making new lows and not getting oversold. If you look at cash it also keeps trading lower and not finding any interest. While both are due a bounce, the bottom building process is just that a process. A good visual is if you draw a line from the high in Feb of 2010 at 327.50 straight accross till today. The market has some downside potiential and a hell of a lot of upside. The shortside of the trade is difficult from now on. Tell that to the funds.


Lumber Futures Volume & Open Interest


CFTC Commitments of Traders Long Report


Lumber & Wood Pulp Options


About the Leonard Report:

The Leonard Lumber Report is a column that focuses on the lumber futures market’s highs and lows and everything else in between. Our very own, Brian Leonard, risk analyst, will provide weekly commentary on the industry’s wood product sectors.


Brian Leonard

[email protected]


22 Dec 2022

Populations are rising and so are food costs – can improved soil conditions save the day? With Russell Taylor of Live Earth Products

With the world population just crossing 8 Billion in November 2022, the details of what it takes to feed the world today and the question of what it will take to feed the world 30 years from now when the population is expected to approach 10 Billion is mind-blowing to many. Today’s guest, Russel Taylor, is an expert on the science behind bringing additional agriculture yield to life through soil health.

Russell Taylor is President of Live Earth Products, Inc., a premium producer of humic shale-derived products. He has spent 20 years mining, extracting, and marketing of humic acid-based products. Areas of experience include; agriculture, turf management, organic fertilizers, animal feed, and soil reclamation. His knowledge has put his company at the forefront of the soil health revolution.

Quick Links from the episode:
For more information visit livearth.com and humictrade.org, follow @livearth on Twitter, and check out their LinkedIn.
Direct questions for Russell: [email protected]
And last but not least, don’t forget to subscribe to The Hedged Edge on your preferred platform, and follow us on Twitter @ag_rcm, LinkedIn, and Facebook.


Check out the complete Transcript from this week’s podcast below:

Populations are rising and so are food costs – can improved soil conditions save the day? With Russell Taylor

Jeff Eizenberg  00:14

Welcome to the hedge edge by RCM Ag Services where we’re getting out of the field and onto the mic to bring you weekly market updates, commentary from commodity experts in monthly interviews with the biggest names in agribusiness. Welcome to the next episode of The Hedged Edge. As always, I’m your host, Jeff Eizenberg. With the world population just crossing 8 billion in November 2022. The details of what it takes to feed the world today, and question of what it will take to feed the world 30 years from now, when the population is expected to reach 10 billion is absolutely mind blowing. Today’s guest is an expert on the science behind bringing additional agricultural yield to life through soil health. Russell Taylor is President of Live Earth Products Inc, which is a premium producer of humic shale derived products. He spent 20 years in mining, extraction and marketing of humic acid based products. Areas of expertise for Russell include agriculture, turf management, organic fertilizers, animal feed and soil reclamation. His knowledge has put his company on the forefront of the soil health revolution. Russell, welcome to show.


Russell Taylor  01:42

Thanks for having me.


Jeff Eizenberg  01:44

All right, good deal. Well, again, we’re jumping right in here. And before we get started, everyone wants to know what’s in the background there. Why is there a pile of dirt over your left and right shoulder, what’s going on back there?


Russell Taylor  01:59

That’s a virtual background. It’s a picture of the mine, which I’ll cover a bit more on today’s call. It’s actually from the ancient tropical forests where we mine and it’s a picture of the deposit.


Jeff Eizenberg  02:10

As I believe and you’re in Utah, I looked up where you are Emery, Utah, it’s basically not too far from Moab. So if we kind of put that in perspective, you know, we all know the arches and everything out there. That’s the type of soil and ground that you’re dealing with out there. Yeah.


Russell Taylor  02:26

Yeah, yeah. So we’re underneath the sandstone cap. The sandstone has basically kept this ancient forest trapped for millions of years. But we’re in the middle of the Utah desert of all places.


Jeff Eizenberg  02:38

Yeah. And so getting into your background, you would say you grew up in the dirt. Sounds like you got involved with mining and some of this opportunity here, you know, from a young age. Is that true?




Russell Taylor  02:53

Yes. So my father opened the mine in the early 80s. At the time, I was nine years old. And he would be out there drilling the holes, and I’d be getting the dynamite ready.


Jeff Eizenberg  03:03

it’s with them, I played with them at ease and throw them in the pond and try to kill frogs. So does that count?


Russell Taylor  03:09

Yeah, close. But my experience felt like work. I grew up around it, you know, to be in the industry for that long. It’s hard not to learn a lot of things. After college, I’ve been working here exclusively. I’ve been with Live Earth as Vice President since 95. I’ve also been the President of the Humic Product Trade Association for 10 years. I was involved with humic long before it was cool, but that’s implying that the humic industry is gaining traction now.


Jeff Eizenberg  03:43

No, and I think that that’s really what we’re dealing with here today. And part of the reason why I wanted to get in touch with you is that, you know, here we are, we’re in an environment where we have rising input costs to farmers, we’ve got growing world populations, and it’s just a very timely discussion, to figure out how it is that other people or companies like yours are helping the world get ready for the next phase of real agricultural growth. And, you know, we have a lot of farmers that we work with, we work with a lot of elevators and you know, and consumers of commodities. And for them, they need to buy the products, right, or they’re producing them. And, you know, the question starts to come to mind are, what is it that can be done outside of just, you know, the traditional, you know, soil kind of background with the with the soil and then plant the seeds fertilized and go, you know, are there more things that can be done and so, bringing you on here, it sounds like you’ve been doing this since the 80s. Clearly, you have a good idea of some alternative solutions and seeing an alternative As in our background, love to kind of dive in. So yeah, share with us a little bit.


Russell Taylor  05:05

Right. So we’ll start from the beginning and work backwards a little bit. The deposit we mined is an ancient plant deposit. So imagine a rich tropical forest, where all that material is stacked up underneath that forest. That’s what we have. Now, why is that necessary? And the reason is, you know, you’ve usually got a soil that doesn’t have sufficient organic matter, or you’ve damaged your organic matter through cultural practices, and telogen, and a lot of other things. And so farmers are finding benefit by adding these products back. There’s been a big disconnect between fertility and soil health. And those are completely separate topics where you can add something that adds fertility to the soil, which will yield crops that can be detrimental to soil health. And soil health includes variables like structure, water conservation, and nutrient retention. And so as your soil health decreases, a lot of those other problems come to the forefront. And so, as an industry, we’re looking forward and saying, okay, what can we do? What is going to be needed in the near future, and with limited resources? As far as fertilizer, and nutrients, limited water, and also reduction in land, all these 1000s of pristine acres are to be converted into roads and houses and other things. So it’s kind of a triple witching effects, where you see a lot of things competing for the same resources. And we’re ignoring soil health. So it’s extremely problematic.


Jeff Eizenberg  06:44

Now, you’re, you’re talking about mining and ancient forest, I think he told me on the phone, or beforehand, here 70 million year old forest, that is essentially it was a tropical, you know, equivalent of the rain forest today. You know, mining and organic matter, don’t usually go hand in hand, right. But everything that I’ve read, and you’re telling me is that there is a large deposit of organic matter in your area, that you’re able to mine extract. And then I assume further process for delivery out to farms, other agricultural systems, whether it’s, you know, I saw you’re involved with the Rose Bowl, and some other things like that. So maybe just walk us through, I mean, how much how much matters there? And is it unlimited or what’s what’s going on? Well,


Russell Taylor  07:46

We’ve received 1000s of acres of mineral leases over the years. We’ve been mining for the past 30 years. So, in the grand scheme of things, we’ll be here for a while. When you talk about organic matter, you need to break it into two categories, active organic matter, which is being broken down by your microbes, and then the leftovers passive organic matter, which the microbes aren’t breaking down any further. As a farmer, you know, when you’re trying to contribute organic matter back, it’s usually in stover and corn stocks. So, you know, in a normal system in nature, those things are being returned to the soil and building up your soil organic matter. So you see the cultivation over time that farmers are slowly decreasing the organic matter. And your organic matter is your storehouse, your pantry, where you store nutrients, store water, and create room for microbes and oxygen and all those things that plant X and used to live. So by adding the product that we’re selling, which is humate, you’re kind of backstopping that process. You might not be returning those organic compounds back to the soil through the crops, but you’re actually able to add this to help build the soil organic matter through other means.


Jeff Eizenberg  09:07

And that’s a big deal right now with areas especially there in the West. I mean, it’s so dry, you’ve got drought conditions, you know, if you could hold on to more water, then that’s a bonus. Right?


Russell Taylor  09:18

Right, right. And it’s kind of a catchy thing, right? You use less because you lose less. But it’s true. You know, a lot of times, we’re seeing water loss and nutrient loss just simply happen, because there’s not enough organic matter to hold those nutrients and water into the soil profile longer. And the hard part is, we’re breeding our plants to be these racehorses, for lack of a better word. We’re building these really high power hybrid plants that have to have extreme amounts of energy to perform properly. Suddenly, soils just can’t sustain those nutrient loads and have a lot of waste. It was really easy for us to be wasteful when things were inexpensive? You know, a year and a half ago, two years ago, urea was $250 a tonne, right? Last May I think it hit $1,200 a tonne. So, I mean, look at the cost difference to the farmer and say, Wow, this is a big difference, how do we get more efficient? Because those conversations were, they weren’t being held as much because it was so cheap. So now is the time where people are looking at companies like us and saying, oh, okay, let’s talk about conserving nutrients, making those things last longer, because all of a sudden, they got expensive, and that’s hitting my bottom line in a big way.


Jeff Eizenberg  10:35

So okay, you know, that’s, that’s right. And we’ve got input costs have gone through the roof that Russia Ukraine, raw war has caused for increased pricing on the urea, it seems like fertilizer prices are coming back down, which is a good thing for the farm and for the inputs. But you know, supplementing it with what you’re doing now, you said you using 20 to 30 acres of the 1000s, you have access to what does it look like for you to actually harvest or extract a lot of this, this this matter? And then sell it large scale? I mean, are you are you targeting, selling the product to large seed and chemical companies as a mix in with some of their current fertilizers? Are you trying to go direct to farmers? What is the kind of the business model here to you know, help direct people down your path?


Russell Taylor  11:29

Sure. So we are a family business. Owned by my father, operated by myself, my brother, and we are small, right? So we work through dealers, there’s no sense for us to, as a small company we try to recreate the wheel, you know, find a local agronomist and get them hired on. So we sail through distribution through a local farmer, co-op. So in Utah, for example, if you went to Intermountain Farmers Association, you would find our products readily available through their cooperative. We sell through random cooperatives within the United States, and also through some ag dealers. So that’s where you get our product, you know, make sure you’re talking to AG dealer and getting in the process.


Jeff Eizenberg  12:05

If this was Shark Tank, I’d be asking you, you know, who do you have your large distribution with? And, you know, try to get you in with bear or somebody like that, right. So let’s see what we can do.


Russell Taylor  12:20

Yeah, we have some of the largest distributors in California, for example. Penny Newman, great company distributes our products and Penny Newman’s huge and we’re happy to be a partner with that company. Some of the areas where we have less distribution, the further you get to the east, obviously, you know, freight becomes an issue. And prices get a little more sensitive to the farmers. But we distribute nationally, internationally, we sell these products as raw materials and extracts. So what you see there behind me, that’s just a picture of the raw deposit. And we’ll just take that the Sansa layer on top glass and remove it. And just take an excavator and share it. It’s soft, brown dark material, and screen it granulate it and sell it as a raw material. We also do some extracted ingredients; we sell liquid humic acid and liquid fulvic acid. What’s interesting about this deposit, you’d mentioned, you know where we’re selling it, is it going to just ag? The answer’s no. We sell into ingredients and dietary supplements, cosmetics, animal feeds, and fertilizers. And you’re thinking, well, that’s kind of an odd thing. But this is an old plant deposit. And it’s clear full of minerals. So sometimes on the label, it says “minerals”, that’s us, because they’re using it as a background, trace mineral, got it?



Jeff Eizenberg  13:31

And now it’s started, I started to think about okay, you know, we’re talking to the beginning, that, you know, we really need to focus on soil health, for around the globe to grow and increase the amount of yield of food that we can actually make available to the world population. Are there other types of deposits like this, or areas that you and your company could target around the globe to really just replicate your business and say, you know, sub Sahara Africa or, you know, China or something along those lines.


Russell Taylor  14:01

You know, for a company, we’re not wanting to take over the world, only all these deposits, we actually have some friends and peers in our industry through the humic product trade association that are doing similar things. So if you’re looking for a deposit in the United States where you know, we’re not reaching, go to humictrade.org and look at the member section, you’ll see a list of members that are also our peers in the industry selling and manufacturing humic acids. Now you make deposits vary in their parent material. So, you know, 75 million years ago, we were set by tropical forest, some places had grasslands or swamps, and so or peat bogs and so what made their humic deposit was a different pair of material. So they’re all a little bit different. Some might have higher humic values or lower fulvic values. And so they will vary in what they describe as age range and decomposition. So you know, some are very immature like in Canada you got those peat bogs that are fully kind of no longer peat, but slowly transitioning into these deposits. And in the listeners minds imagine, you know, when there’s an apple turned into compost, it’s a process right you know decomposition, the same thing is occurs with this old plant material, you got an ancient forest that fell down, and then it got deposited in overtime with heat and pressure. It hasn’t turned into coal yet, but it sure broken down from what it was. So that’s kind of where it’s at is somewhere between peat moss, and cool.


Jeff Eizenberg  15:30

Well, I’m definitely buying a bag this year from my, from my garden here in Ohio, I’m going to need it let’s let’s, let’s move on a bit here, this, this is a super interesting step, you know, the way that, you know you guys have even started this business and grown it over the years. And the fact that you’re also involved with, you know, others that really kind of as an association and attempt to, you know, kind of share the wealth. What do you think of so so you’re kind of sitting in a unique spot that you’re talking with people all over the country, and presumably the globe? I guess what do you think agriculture success looks like if we start looking out 510 2030 years from now, thanks to soil health and opportunity.


Russell Taylor  16:21

There’s a lot of hope on the horizon. When I say that is, you know, conservation has become a big issue, particularly because inputs got expensive. When it got expensive, all of a sudden, people started talking about conversation, until our agricultural practices decouple from petroleum based inputs will always be beholden to the industry. And the problem is us the nitrogen industry, for example, nitrogen is made through what they call the haber bosch process, they use some type of either natural gas or in Europe, or maybe some dirty coal in China to capture nitrogen out of the air and make that nitrogen. So that’s when you see a war on these fossil fuels. And you start looking at some of the dirty players where we can impact it, and nitrogen is one of them there, we’ve got to decouple our nitrogen from these processes. So in the future, you know, some businesses will succeed significantly by either figuring out a way to produce that nitrogen without fossil fuels, or conserving the nitrogen we make, maybe that’s the only way we could make this type of nitrogen. But using technology like ours, actually taking that nitrogen and making better utilization of it. So going forward, I think we’re going to focus in on not just precision ag, because Precision Ag you know, in the past, people thought, no machines and computers and strategically plants, placing fertilizer on the soil. The problem is, if that soil health is degraded, it’s not going to hold those nutrients. You know, in some ways, fertilizers are extremely soluble. So one example is – imagine, somebody told you and me that we’re going to have to drink all of our water for the month, in one sitting from a firehose, right now, both painful and inefficient, right? There’s going to be waste and water everywhere, and you and I are going to be unhappy. That’s what we’re doing with some of these crops, we’re given them a big dose of fertilizer at the beginning of the season. And at the end of the season, they’re saying what you ran out. So when we’re mimicking nature, when we’re taking that nitrogen and attaching it to a carbon, like a humic acid, that plant gets a longer look at it. So I can give you a couple examples. We recently did some work in 2018 through 2021, with the University of Tennessee, okay. We do granular fertilizers and then liquid fertilizers. We took a side dress application, that’s where you go on corn later on the season, and you give it another dose of nitrogen in that sideways application we went with and without humic acid. Now the corn that had received extra humic acid produced almost 20 more bushels of corn than the corn that did not. Now this is a lower getting better soil. And that’s the response you would want to see. Okay, how was that corn plant able to produce more corn? And the simple answer is that plant was able to get a longer look at that nutrient for it was last volatilized or converted. That’s how nitrogen is lost it is either it goes in the air as the gas gets rinsed away in your aquifers are it’s mineralized in a way that the plant can get it. So by adding these organic acids back to current fertility programs, we’re able to assist the farmer into making a better use of some of those expensive inputs like nitrogen. And I think looking forward in the future, like you said, where do we see this? This has to occur? Because I can’t see inputs going down. Right? I can’t see the war on fossil fuels and fossil fuel use decreasing. So I think that’s the first step, I think the NRCS and some of those other agencies as far as cultural practices, no till and some of those things, they’re trying to encourage farmers to do it that’s going to continue to occur. But I think getting smart with our nutrients is going to be, particularly nitrogen is going to be some of the pivotal things we’ll see in the next 2030 years.


Jeff Eizenberg  20:21

I think, you know, farming has evolved, and it will continue to, especially in other areas of the world, where, you know, the people, sometimes they’re just stuck with the soil that they have. The question becomes is, is there a economies of scale for you, your business and the farmers in far out regions away from where these deposits are, for them to be able to, again, economically, bring in the right amount of additional soil or nutrients that you’re talking about, to that region? And I guess that’s, that’s a question for you. I don’t know.


Russell Taylor  20:58

So there is a document out there by the NRCS, that talks about soil health, and how to build soil health and how to build soil organic matter.


Jeff Eizenberg  21:06

Yeah, we’ll make that one available in the notes in the show notes here.


Russell Taylor  21:10

Sure, sure. So I’ll just summarize, you know, a couple points out that real quickly. It talks about how to change soil organic matter over time. And the ones that you’ve got to remember is, it’s like eating an elephant, you know, you’ve got to do this one bite at a time and slowly, slowly commit to doing it. Because if you start backing up the numbers, let’s say for example, you took an acre of soil, six to eight inches deep, and that’s where most of your corn would root right, and you took that acre soil six, eight inches deep, and you made a big pile, that’s going to make 2 million pounds of soil in that pile. So if we said, let’s change our soil organic matter, 1%, 1% of 2 million is 20,000 pounds of pure organic matter. So you’re going to tell a farmer look, you need to put up 20,000 pounds of stable organic matter. Now stables got the big Asterix next to it because corn stover and manure and all those things have a 10 to one conversion, when it when the soil microbes breaking down takes 10 pounds of active organic matter to make one pound of passive. So that means to get your 20,000 pounds of stable organic matter, you have to put 200,000 pounds of active organic matter. Okay, no farmers putting down 100 tonnes of anything. Exactly. That’s that when we’re talking about taking bites us at a time, you’ve got to commit to it now, what’s the upside and the benefits and if you read that document, we’ll see you know what percent change organic matter will conserve 27 to 30,000 more gallons of water per acre. All of a sudden, that makes a difference, you could fill a few swimming pools with that amount of water. If let’s say you’re dryland wheat, or dryland corn, you’re conserving 30,000 more gallons of water per acre, that’s a big deal. You know, it’s not acres and acres feet of water, but it’s enough water to maybe make a difference on a yield. So that over time plus the nutrient retention is real big reasons why you should increase soil organic matter. And that down the road is going to turn into profits. If you’re retaining nitrogen, it’s because you’re retaining the water, it’s got that water there nitrogen in it and keep preventing it from leaching away.


Jeff Eizenberg  23:12

So you’re you’re really if I had to put an analogy around it, you’re saying that your efforts and these efforts in general, whether it’s through you, your company, or your association, it’s more of a dial than a switch, you really have to commit to this over time, and see is to see the results.


Russell Taylor  23:32

Right now there is one little nuance in there and it these raw materials, like I’ve talked about behind me in bulk, or use the soil amendments. In some of the extracts, we make these products act like a biostimulant, where we see some accelerated plant growth with these solubilized some of the components, so people will actually add those extracts to the fertilizer, I call it a dealer cocktail, but they’re adding them and what we see is kind of a one plus one equals three, where the added benefit of the humic acid caused that plant to take those nutrients in quicker and allow that plant to achieve a higher genetic potential or better yield.




Jeff Eizenberg  24:15

Well, this has been super interesting Russell, I, you know, don’t spend much of my days thinking too much about the organic matter and soil. But today’s has been one of those days and I actually really enjoyed this opportunity to speak with you. Are there anything else that you know, that we’ve missed here that you want to make make the audience aware of before we kind of wrap up?


Russell Taylor  24:40

Well, you know, I try to fly the banner for the industry as much as I can about promoting as the president of the trade association. I tried to be selfless and say hey, you know that I’m trying to help everybody out. But you know, we’re a small family business. We’d like to make sure we’re promoting our name out there. And it’s small companies like myself that are there selling these products. You’re not seeing large agricultural conglomerates really getting behind this yet. And that’s primarily through what’s going on with some changes in laws, how they treat these products. And it’s a long topic, but I’ll just cover it real briefly is the way our government acts, they have got a law for pesticides. And then then the states are in charge of regulating the fertilizers. So there’s this gap in the middle where soil amendments like ours, they’re not a pesticide, they’re not a fertilizer. And so there’s just a gray area. And so there’s not been a lot of laws, rules and testing methods that have been real favorable for our industry. And that’s all in the process of changing now. So you’re going to see updated seals of approval through trade association that show, you know, this, this testing method is approved for products like ours. And consumers should just ask more about how these products are tested and get informed. And the other thing is, there’s a lot of confusion between black products. And I’ll give you one quick example from our chart. Now, biochar, it has an application. And it is nowhere near humic substances. Biochar, somebody’s burnt trash that they didn’t they want to hold in a landfill, it’s a burden on the farm. They’re trying to sell to the soil and it’s beneficial in soils that have low pH, and they’re well drained. Okay, that’s the only the only place where biochar has been shown to be beneficial in soils that have higher pH and because biochar has the lambing potential, and it also has its germinated germination inhibition. Now, those two things, you know, might be too technical agronomy, but basically, you’re putting a product down, that keeps the seed from germinating. So if you just put a crop in the ground, he put something down, it inhibits germination, that’s going to be bad. So you look at it a little bit deeper, I would encourage anybody listening to this, you know, look at the industry, look at what they’re trying to do, and learn a little bit more the difference in these products because humic substances definitely differ between biochar just because it has carbon. They’re not all the same. So let’s talk about the how this carbon is bonded and how it’s useful.


Jeff Eizenberg  27:26

Well, we’ve got your video on video now. So you know, when we see you on the steps of the USDA, with with a with a picketing sign telling them to pay more attention to your products, we’ll, we’ll be sure to, you know, tie that back to you.


Russell Taylor  27:39

Thank you. Yeah. You may see us on the Rose Bowl, we been on the Rose Bowl Stadium since 2006.


Jeff Eizenberg  27:46

okay, well, now that we’re talking, I’d like to go to the next game. The one that coming up here that would if you got extra tickets, I’ll be there.


Russell Taylor  27:52

Yeah, we’ll talk offline. I’ll hook you up.


Jeff Eizenberg  27:53

All right, I like that. Last question for you ask all my guests. It’s kind of a fun thing. Off topic. Since we’re talking football and sports, in your background, or in your I guess your in your favorable, previous 21 year old body? What extreme sport would you be most inclined to do try or be involved in


Russell Taylor  28:18

Extreme sport that I would want to be involved in? Rock climbing, you know, in my area people do a lot of bouldering. And I see the kids out there like lizards on a rock. And I think, you know, if I was younger and didn’t feel like falling off a giant rock that might be interesting to me.


Jeff Eizenberg  28:37

Well, seems like you’ve probably got a lot of them there around you so that maybe maybe this will inspire you to get back out there. All right, Russell, this has been great. What is the best way to get in touch with you if people have questions or want to reach out,


Russell Taylor  28:50

You’re always welcome to reach out through the website, livearth.com.You can also call us, we’re a small family business. I’m a certified crop advisor. I like picking up the phone talking to people. And we’re always available by phone. And that’s 800-846-2817.


Jeff Eizenberg  29:10

Excellent. Well, this has been a real pleasure to appreciate your time and interest here. And, you know, I was kind of risk management approach. You know, we obviously try to help as many people just stay informed with, you know, all that’s happening in agriculture. And this is obviously not anything brand new, but it is on the forefront. So appreciate the time, and maybe we’ll get a chance to hook back up again. And, you know, maybe you’re you tell us you found, you know, the Tyrannosaurus Rex skeleton in that mine or something like that.


Russell Taylor  29:43

Yeah, we won’t tell anybody about that. We don’t want to turn that mine into an archeological dig.


Jeff Eizenberg  29:48

Yeah, right. Yeah. Good idea. All right, Russell. Well, thanks for your time. I really appreciate it and we’ll be talking to you soon. Have a great holiday.



Russell Taylor  29:56

Thank you for the interview.



This transcript was compiled automatically via Otter.AI and as such may include typos and errors the artificial intelligence did not pick up correctly.




19 Dec 2022

THE LEONARD LUMBER REPORT: The liquidity issue in the marketplace seems to be getting worse not better

Weekly Lumber Recap 


Happy Holidays!!

The liquidity issue in the marketplace seems to be getting worse not better. At this point in the cycle, we should start to see a few green shoots. None were to be found last week as futures hit a new low on Friday. The outside markets are having a bigger than normal effect on our trade. Mostly due to the lack of news here. I’m confident that overall production on January 1st. will be less than the amount produced December 1st. The market seems to agree but throws in the fact that there will also be less homes starting on January 1 than started on December 1. The question becomes of how long the drifting lower will remain in place.

Look at the chart below. It has a Fibonacci measurement from the contract low during covid to the highs in 2021. Look to the left and 2019. The sideways price channel for the year was developed with an average of 1.29 starts. If that is the number, we are looking for 2023 then a sideways trade for a year could be expected. I’m not sure if that will develop but it does look like the current futures market wants to test that theory.  I’m in the camp that next year will be somewhat subdued, but at a higher level. Next week will be more of the same unless the short funds start to cover. It hasn’t shown up yet so that is even a limited wish.


Lumber Futures Volume & Open Interest


CFTC Commitments of Traders Long Report


Lumber & Wood Pulp Options


About the Leonard Report:

The Leonard Lumber Report is a column that focuses on the lumber futures market’s highs and lows and everything else in between. Our very own, Brian Leonard, risk analyst, will provide weekly commentary on the industry’s wood product sectors.


Brian Leonard

[email protected]


16 Dec 2022


Corn had a good week making gains on mixed news across the world. The war in Ukraine has picked back up with more bombing and aggression from Russia after a “quiet” few weeks. Exports were better this week as we head into the end of the year well behind the expected pace. Weather in Brazil remains good in most areas while Argentina forecast is becoming wetter. Markets will likely remain cooled through the holidays unless there is any unexpected news (flooding rains, further escalation in Ukraine, etc.) that is not already priced in.

Via Barchart

Soybeans were relatively flat this week with a mix of up and down days. We are back up trading at the top of the range we have seen since July. Whether it fails at this level again or can move higher may require some surprise news to the market as exports were good, but the market seemed to shrug off. With South America expected to produce a record crop and those beans hitting the world market in a little over a month, finding buyers for US beans could become challenging. Like corn, news may be quiet heading into the end of the year and holidays.

Via Barchart

Equity Markets

The markets were down this week following a good amount of volatility following the Fed’s announcement of a 50-point hike in rates with comments indicating there will be more raises in the future and could be held higher for longer. CPI came in better than expected but still hot at 7.1%. While we are 2% lower than the highs, we still have a long way to go to hit the target of 2-3% which the Fed will continue to work towards.

Via Barchart

Drought Monitor


The Hedged Edge is back online with a guest who could be this podcast’s most important guest of all time. At a time when inflation is running rampant through the world economy, drought conditions are drying up our rivers, and the global supply of grain is scarce. We are tasked with the question, “what the hell is going on in logistics, and is there any relief in sight?”

To help address these questions and more, I am joined today by a man that needs no introduction to most in the physical commodity sector – Woodson Dunavant with the Dunavant Logistics company based in Memphis, TN.

Via Barchart.com


Contact an Ag Specialist Today

Whether you’re a producer, end-user, commercial operator, RCM AG Services helps protect revenues and control costs through its suite of hedging tools and network of buyers/sellers — Contact Ag Specialist Brady Lawrence today at 312-858-4049 or [email protected].


08 Dec 2022


December has not been good to corn as we started the month with a slide lower into the $6.40s. There has not been any major news change with a good start for corn in Brazil, China lockdowns, and the war in Ukraine continuing to hold the headlines. While weekly exports have been good but uninspiring, the weakness in the USD should help US ag exports be competitive in the coming months before the South American harvest. The humanitarian corridor has continued to work as ships leave Ukraine, but as always this is something to keep an eye on for any bad developments. Russia is expected to resume ammonia exports soon, which would help keep input costs for 2023 from getting much higher.

Via Barchart

Soybeans have seen a nice improvement with their slow march higher from the beginning of October. The EPA came out with lower-than-expected biofuel mandates sending soybean and other world veg oil prices lower while meal has taken off higher. Soybeans hit their highest price since mid-September this week with buyers coming back in the market with a weakening USD. South Americas start has been good enough to where the market expects them to produce another record crop but there is still a long way to go. Right now, there does not appear to be much higher of an upside than the low $15 range in the near term, but if South America has weather problems, that could be the catalyst to move higher or if weather remains good the next move lower.

Via Barchart

Crude Oil

Crude has had an interesting second half of the year following its peak in June. While it has traded between $80-90/barrel most of that time, this recent dip below $75 shows there is a lot of uncertainty as we head into winter. The sanctions on Russian oil by capping it at $60 goes into effect this week while many investors do not expect to see it having a major impact immediately. With Russian oil already trading below the $60 and their breakeven closer to $40 it does not appear this will dampen exports for them with India and China continuing to buy. Europe is still struggling with energy as the war in Ukraine continues. Further guidance from the UN or another shock to the market (China loosening Covid restrictions) could send Crude back higher to its recent trading range.

Via Barchart

Equity Markets

The equity markets had a great November rallying over 10% but have gotten off to a sluggish start in December. While data comes in still pointing to a strong economy and job numbers the ball is in the Fed’s court on what to do with rates. It is expected that there will continue to be rate hikes into 2023 with the Fed potentially keeping rates higher for longer than originally anticipated but slowing the rate at which they raise them. Some of the largest companies in the world have either laid off workers or frozen hiring as many questions remain for next year.

Via Barchart

Drought Monitor


The Hedged Edge is back online with a guest who could be this podcast’s most important guest of all time. At a time when inflation is running rampant through the world economy, drought conditions are drying up our rivers, and the global supply of grain is scarce. We are tasked with the question, “what the hell is going on in logistics, and is there any relief in sight?”

To help address these questions and more, I am joined today by a man that needs no introduction to most in the physical commodity sector – Woodson Dunavant with the Dunavant Logistics company based in Memphis, TN.

Via Barchart.com


Contact an Ag Specialist Today

Whether you’re a producer, end-user, commercial operator, RCM AG Services helps protect revenues and control costs through its suite of hedging tools and network of buyers/sellers — Contact Ag Specialist Brady Lawrence today at 312-858-4049 or [email protected].

05 Dec 2022


Weekly Lumber Recap 


If you have been around long enough you have seen times when there is no market. It was always caused by some event. This time the focal point is on the free money causing an overbuilt/overpriced housing sector. The market now has to digest the run up. Commodities in general will have extended swings as traders are either 100% in or totally out. The issue today is that the buyside continues to add cheap product to the pile for the first quarter. This could be a Peter and Paul moment. We are going into a critical week for the market. There needs to be a shift in interest level going into the end of the year. We shall see.

I talked about the futures market starting with a 3 handle back in late July. It took over 4 months to get there. Except for a few corrections the futures market has traded sideways. Only when the cash market accelerated down did futures finally sell off. Futures were building the bottom end of the range. Today they are just following an unhinged cash market. My point being that futures is looking at the low $400 as a tradable level. That is not a buy recommendation, just a value area. I have been around too long to think the mills will find a bottom anytime soon. Firms today really believe that all this will end soon, and things will be back to normal. There is little planning going on to limit exposure. It will take time.

The technical picture could be friend or foe. On the friendly side the whole momentum complex has come together. Rarely has a market continued its trend without some type of correction. With the RSI at 29% there may be more downside but with the pattern and going into the holidays I expect a little pop. Now on the foe side the Bollinger bands are moving sideways but January futures closed under the lower band. Futures tend to bounce right back into the band area. If futures continue down, it will take time and distance for the bands to catch up. Doing the math today that level would be $307.80. There is the shock.


Lumber Futures Volume & Open Interest


CFTC Commitments of Traders Long Report


Lumber & Wood Pulp Options


About the Leonard Report:

The Leonard Lumber Report is a column that focuses on the lumber futures market’s highs and lows and everything else in between. Our very own, Brian Leonard, risk analyst, will provide weekly commentary on the industry’s wood product sectors.


Brian Leonard

[email protected]


28 Nov 2022


Weekly Lumber Recap 


At this point it’s time to keep it simple. I remember the quote from Ronald Reagan about the cold war. He said, “let’s keep it simple. We win they lose.” Today we don’t have a road map. We don’t have historical data. All we have is the market in front of us. The data indicates a market headed for $300 while the real fear is it goes up $300. Both are a reality. Without a supply disruption the market is geared for a slow erosion with light rallies in between. Any signs of fear from the buyside and the mills will be off the market again.

Most would agree that housing is in a created recession. That is a recession caused by a steep increase in prices. Whether those price increases were cost related or not, it has the same effect at the end of the day. The only question is how deep of a recession the US go into. A layoff panic will drag housing into a deeper recession. A recession with minimal layoffs will allow the market to find a level and build off of it. The bad news it may take until the 2nd quarter to see how bad it could be.

Today the futures market is at a standstill. It is drifting lower with the cash market. The January futures contract has had a $38 trading range in November so far. There are three days left but nevertheless that is the smallest range in years. All the pressure in futures comes from the electronic trade made up of either the algo or the funds. The industry has pared its inventory to a level that hedging is not necessary. That is friendly. Any disruption in supply sets off the panic beginning with the funds covering shorts. That is where the big run-up would come from.

From a technical standpoint the market is close to a move. The Bollinger bands are as tight as we have seen in months. The sideways trade has pushed the market into an area calling for a breakout. A strike will set things off to the upside. A .75 raise in December will probably cause the bottom to drop out. In either case the futures market wants to trend. I’m still a fan of mitigating upside risk. The downside is easy.


Lumber Futures Volume & Open Interest


CFTC Commitments of Traders Long Report


Lumber & Wood Pulp Options


About the Leonard Report:

The Leonard Lumber Report is a column that focuses on the lumber futures market’s highs and lows and everything else in between. Our very own, Brian Leonard, risk analyst, will provide weekly commentary on the industry’s wood product sectors.


Brian Leonard

[email protected]


18 Nov 2022


Corn strung together several days lower in a row last week with a neutral USDA report in the middle of it. The USDA raised the US yield to 172.3, which was within the range of estimates. While corn had been trading sideways for some time, the move lower remained in its trading range, followed by a bounce back higher this week. The black sea export corridor deal being renewed is welcome news for the world supply chain. Brazil and Argentina got some needed rain while some dry areas missed out. They are still suffering drought conditions, but it is also still early in the year. Exports improved this week from last, as the current price levels attract buyers.

Via Barchart

Soybeans fell over the last two weeks, due to two days of large losses this week. Soybean Oil got hit as world veg oil prices fell, pulling beans down with it. The rain in Argentina helped speed up soybean planting but rain will still be needed moving forward as still about 25% of the country experiences drought. Bean exports, like corn, improved and better than expected this week. The lack of news makes this a difficult market to trade in as there are no overwhelming bullish or bearish factors dictating direction.

Via Barchart

The US cotton supply was raised in last week’s USDA report with better yields and lower demand. The problem in the cotton market right now is demand. While more money is being spent , fewer units are being bought which translates to less consumption. With the continued high energy prices and inflation issues across the world people are prioritizing eating and heating their homes and fueling their cars (good call) over buying new clothes. The potential for a looming world recession in 2023 does not ease demand concerns as we would not see demand for cotton pick up as producers would sit on inventory they currently have. Until we get more clarity on the world outlook and 2023 it is a time to be cautious. The weakening USD will be worth keeping an eye on.

Via Barchart

Equity Markets

The equity markets started off November with gains after a cooler than expected October CPI of 7.7%. While a drop is nice to see it is important to remember the target is 2-3% so we are still much closer to the top than the bottom with a Fed rate rise coming in early December. The markets seem to expect a 50-point hike, but there is still plenty of time for that to change and get priced in before. One big question that remains for the markets looking ahead is “what will December bring?”. Will there be a Santa Clause rally? Will markets fall as investors do some tax loss harvesting? Many investors still think a recession is coming in 2023 and the next month and half could give us a better idea what to expect.

Via Barchart

Drought Monitor


The Hedged Edge is back online with a guest who could be this podcast’s most important guest of all time. At a time when inflation is running rampant through the world economy, drought conditions are drying up our rivers, and the global supply of grain is scarce. We are tasked with the question, “what the hell is going on in logistics, and is there any relief in sight?”

To help address these questions and more, I am joined today by a man that needs no introduction to most in the physical commodity sector – Woodson Dunavant with the Dunavant Logistics company based in Memphis, TN.

Via Barchart.com


Contact an Ag Specialist Today

Whether you’re a producer, end-user, commercial operator, RCM AG Services helps protect revenues and control costs through its suite of hedging tools and network of buyers/sellers — Contact Ag Specialist Brady Lawrence today at 312-858-4049 or [email protected].


14 Nov 2022


Weekly Lumber Recap 


Today you can’t look at the housing market or the lumber industry without looking at the macroeconomy. There are no longer sectors, but one big unit of trade and we are married to that fact for a while. Thursday the markets reacted favorable to a better that expected CPI. Equities went higher and rates fell. The best quote I heard was that the market can finally see a bottom. It isn’t close but can be seen. What that means is that we know there will be a bump in layoffs. There probably will be a few companies that go under, but that is all part of the fix. Since the housing industry has such a long timeline new construction planning could be on the horizon. The industry can handle higher rates if in place and expected. A break in home prices will bring about a market again. Low home inventories, less supply of wood, no inventories in the field these are all positives. Things will slowly get better unless there is a blowup, and the fact is that rising rates breaks something. It always happens. Could that be bitcoin?

A $38 billion company with ties to hundreds of firm’s files for bankruptcy. The CEO says, “sorry my bad.” WTF…. I’m not sure that is enough to shake the entire global economy but will do some damage to many sectors from advertising to net worth of a generation. The generation we need to buy homes. It is too early to tell how much damage was done.

This downturn will take time to play out. Prices have to come down. These high prices for homes are unsustainable. With all this wait and see we could expect a sideways lumber market for some time. Rallies will come from a buy round followed by the slow pull back. The buys are only a temporary fix for the mills. They can’t build momentum off of them. Out in the trade price isn’t the driving factor. It is more based on need and as we have seen there isn’t much difference between $430 and $530 if it is needed.

Buy January calls and take the rest of the year off….


Lumber Futures Volume & Open Interest


CFTC Commitments of Traders Long Report


Lumber & Wood Pulp Options



About the Leonard Report:

The Leonard Lumber Report is a column that focuses on the lumber futures market’s highs and lows and everything else in between. Our very own, Brian Leonard, risk analyst, will provide weekly commentary on the industry’s wood product sectors.


Brian Leonard

[email protected]
