Category: CME

10 Feb 2023


Corn has been relatively flat over the last two weeks as it has continued to trade in a tight range the last 3 weeks. This week’s USDA Report did not provide any fireworks as there were no big surprises. The USDA lowered Argentina’s production while leaving Brazil’s unchanged from the January report. While the lowering of Argentina’s yield was expected, analysts still believe it will be lower. The main change to the US balance sheet was a 25-million-bushel reduction in ethanol consumption of corn, leading to a slight rise in ending stocks. World stocks received a boost from smaller world feed usage while stocks remain historically tight. Exports got off to a good start in February, with the week ended 2/02, coming in at the top end of estimates.

Via Barchart

Soybeans had not moved much over the last two weeks until  Friday’s trade saw the march futures get a 24 cent boost while new crop gained 13 cents. Like corn the USDA report was a non-event for beans with no major news. The only notable changes were lowering Argentina’s total yield and lower crush numbers in the US. The lower crush in the US was more newsworthy as the markets had priced in lower Argentinian yield. World ending stocks were right on estimates.

Via Barchart

Equity Markets

Equity Markets were down this week after having a good run following the Fed raising rates another 25 points. Earnings and AI were the storylines the last 2 weeks, causing big swings in many markets. Crude Oil also rallied this week after dipping down into the $72 range and Russia announced they were cutting production by 500,000 barrels a day in March in retaliation for international sanctions. Earnings moving forward will help give an idea if this rally can continue or if we hit a near term high.

Via Barchart

Drought Monitor

Eastern corn belt has gotten plenty of moisture so far this winter with the western corn belt needs more heading into the spring.


With every new year, there are new opportunities, and there’s no better time to dive deeply into the stock market and tax-saving strategies for 2023 than now. In our latest episode of the Hedged Edge, we’re joined by Tim Webb, Chief Investment Officer and Managing Partner from our sister company, RCM Wealth Advisors. Tim is no stranger to advising institutions and agribusinesses where he has been implementing no-nonsense financial planning strategies and market investment disciplines to help Clients build and maintain wealth and reach financial goals since

Inside this jam-packed session, we’re taking a break from commodities, and talking about the world of equities, interest rates, tax savings, and business planning strategies. Plus, Jeff and Tim delve into a variety of topics like:

  • The current state of the markets within the wealth management industry
  • Is there a beacon of hope, or is it all doom and gloom for the markets?
  • Other strategies to think about outside of the stock market and so much more!




Contact an Ag Specialist Today

Whether you’re a producer, end-user, commercial operator, RCM AG Services helps protect revenues and control costs through its suite of hedging tools and network of buyers/sellers — Contact Ag Specialist Brady Lawrence today at 312-858-4049 or [email protected].


02 Nov 2022

So, Harvest is Done, and Your Grain Bins are Full, What Now?

Grain storage has expanded across the country over the last decades as farmers try and time selling to maximize profit potential. While holding the grain until you decide to make a sale is one option, there are several different strategies when it comes to managing the grain. In this short piece we will look at the 4 main strategies and talk about the potential benefits and risks.

1. Hold in bin

As stated above the “sit and hold” method is the most basic and long used method of grain storage. This method makes you long the market as you hope that prices go up from harvest levels over the course of the next year. You are long the market because you will only profit if prices go up, if prices go lower, you miss out on what a sale at harvest could have been.

Here are a few risks that come with this method:

  • Price deterioration
    • If prices for future months is lower, or moves lower before your sale, you miss out on the price difference between harvest price and sale price. There are numerous factors that can cause this making it your biggest risk.
  • Cost of storage
    • Running storage bins to keep the quality of the grain at deliverable levels costs money that will cut into the profit potential the longer it is stored.
  • Act of God
    • While insurance covers AOGs in most situations it is still very much a risk as many farmers face the threat of strong storms and the damage that comes with it.


Now the potential benefits:

  • Price appreciation
    • The price for future months could go higher, by either improving futures prices or improved basis, and you could potentially profit making a sale at a higher price (minus the extra costs of storage)
  • Taxes
    • The timing of sales obviously affects your income, meaning there will always be taxes involved. Pay them now or pay them later…Uncle Sam always wins, but if you can write off against income, DO IT.


These are the basic costs and benefits of this method. While this is the most popular method it does carry the risk of prices falling below your breakeven from factors completely out of your control. Now let’s look at the other methods that involve active risk management.

2. Sell and re-own the board

This strategy is for farmers who do not want to store the grain, or do not have the storage, but don’t want to miss out on the potential of higher prices. You can sell the grain to your preferred elevator (lock in a future delivery or current) and buy futures or options to try and take advantage of a price increase. The downside to this is that if the prices move lower, you lose whatever difference is between your sale and the future price.


You sell 10,000 bushels of corn for $6.50 Dec contract with +$0.20 basis for a $6.70 sale. You think prices are going to go up over the winter, so you purchase 2 March futures contracts at the current market value of $6.60. Your hunch was correct and March futures goes up to $7.00 and you take profit on your trade by selling them to capture the $0.40 profit minus fees and commissions*. This makes your corn sale equal to $7.10 ($6.50 sale + $0.40 trade profit + $0.20 basis – minus fees and commissions* = $7.10).

Now suppose you were wrong, and prices go down. Using the same information above but prices of the March contract go lower to $6.20. This would result in a loss of $0.40 plus fees and commissions making the value of your corn sale equal to $6.30 – fees and commissions* ($6.50 sale – $0.40 cent trade loss + $0.20 basis – fees and commissions* = $6.30).

*Fees and commissions vary by broker

If the thought of large losses of sales scares people there are other options, such as using options. You can use option trades to limit the capital risk using specific strategies (not all will limit capital risk as some will increase the loss potential). These strategies are not suitable for all investors and each farmer should discuss the risk associated with such trading with their broker or elevator where they offer. For more information on options click here.

3. Sell for delivery in future month

Some farmers will store the grain themselves after selling it for a future delivery month. This strategy is used by farmers when the price difference is worth the cost of storage or they like the futures price but believe basis will improve. Historically, in a “normal market”, the future months will offer some premium to the current month for the crop marketing year. This is because of the risk and unknowns that are present in the market.


The March contract for corn is trading 15 cents higher than December. If the farmer can store the grain for less than 15 cents leading up to the delivery period, they would consider this sale to capitalize in the margins.

The other way farmers try to maximize selling for future delivery and storage is basis. Elevators change their basis based upon demand in the area. If farmers like the futures price, but no the basis, they may elect this method hoping basis improves.

4. Hold and sell futures against

The final strategy we will discuss is storing grain, while selling futures against it. Farmers will do this if they think the market price is strong, but the basis is poor, or they are unsure of the price direction but do not want to miss out on current levels. This is a way of locking in the futures price on the bushels while allowing time for basis improvement, but not total price risk. If prices move up from when you sell the futures, what you get paid when you decide to sell the physical grain will make up the difference in what your trade lost. On the other side if the price goes down your trade profit makes up for the difference in the cash price come time of sale.


A farmer believes basis, currently -$0.20, will improve over the next couple months but is happy with a $6.50 price. They sell $6.50 March futures while storing the grain. They were right and basis is flat come February, but the price fell to $6.40. This would result in a final price of $6.50 for the farmer minus fees and commissions ($0.10 trade profit + $0.00 basis + $6.40 cash price – fees and commissions). If they had just made the sale at the time when basis was -$0.20 they would have only received a price of $6.30.

On the other side if prices had gone up to $7.00 and basis had remained at -$0.20 the farmer would receive that $6.30 price minus fees and commissions ($7.00 price at time of sale to elevator -$0.50 loss from trade – $0.20 basis – fees and commissions = $6.30). If they were right about basis and if did improve to $0.00, then the price they would receive is $6.50 minus fees and commissions ($7.00 price from elevator – $0.50 loss from trade + $0.00 basis – fees and commissions).

This is one of the more straightforward strategies as it establishes the price of the sale limiting market factors to only effect basis.

While there are many strategies farmers employ with their stored grain, these are the most common. Each farmer faces their own unique challenges in producing a crop but the decisions about when and how to sell effects everyone. There is no cookie cutter plan as one strategy may make more sense for one farmer than another, therefore it is important to have a plan. Knowing your breakeven and having a marketing plan and sticking to it are how farmers can be successful year in and year out.


RCM Ag Services offers customized risk management solutions for both cash markets and forward pricing opportunities through futures and options.  Contact one of our risk managers today:

31 Oct 2022


Weekly Lumber Recap 


The key takeaway for the week was a falling futures market at a time when the short funds were covering. The quietness in the cash market was the feature. We are seeing a sharp drop in open interest as the funds exit. While expected it still is worrisome to not see any support from it. What is apparent is the fact that the industry is in drift mode. It is a buy only what you need market. No one can project what impact the rates doubling in 6 months is going to have on the entire industry. This guarded tempo is warranted. If this last rally was caused by the election bubble we expected then it could be a long cold winter. Let’s look at a few issues.

This is an industry with rapidly changing dynamics. The key driver is the Fed. We know they are out to slow the housing market and will do a good job of it. What we are now watching is the big ones. The first indication of a slowdown is liquidity. Most believe that something needs to blow up but that isn’t the case here. What we will see is companies looking inward and slowing most activity. This is the quiet bleed. The other major issue will be when companies start to put the “lists” together for layoffs. This is really the telltale sign. It took almost 15 years to get labor back to a stable level and now they may have to let people go. So, at this point we expect a liquidity crunch followed by layoffs. So that’s the macro picture. What is the micro picture?

As said earlier, we may have pulled forward business expected from the election bubble. We have seen a draw down in inventories to a level that keeps the trade in the market. Granted housing is eroding but the on-hand inventory will always be limited. I did expect to see much better basis business in the last few weeks. What we saw was a very big push back to build inventories or make margin calls. This looks like a one up and three weeks down marketplace. Those are very tradable. Going into next week I think there are three dynamics to watch. The first is that rates have doubled in 6 months and are now called to level off and hold through 2025. That’s not a typo. Next is expectations. Forward-looking reports indicate a slowing of both production and demand. 2023 could look a lot like 2019 as far as the trade goes. Is 402 the low? Lastly is the housing market itself. Some are calling it a meltdown, but it looks too busy to me to call it that. This looks more like a bear market that trades. Use the sell offs to own cheap wood for next year.


Lumber Futures Volume & Open Interest

CFTC Commitments of Traders Long Report

Lumber & Wood Pulp Options


About the Leonard Report:

The Leonard Lumber Report is a column that focuses on the lumber futures market’s highs and lows and everything else in between. Our very own, Brian Leonard, risk analyst, will provide weekly commentary on the industry’s wood product sectors.


Brian Leonard

[email protected]


24 Oct 2022

THE LEONARD LUMBER REPORT: Another Positive Week With Futures Adding Another $45

Weekly Lumber Recap 


It was another positive week with futures adding another $45. That’s a run of $148 from low too high in 16 sessions. The first takeaway is that historically lumber liked 16-day cycles so it could be nearing its end. The other takeaway would be the fact that the futures market has only rallied $148. Yes, after hitting a low not seen since June of 2020, one would think it deserved more. The question is if this is a one-time cash buy or if there can be more? I’ll take two looks at the question.

First is the cycle. This cycle has a much better dynamic than the ones seen for the past 6 months. Two weeks ago, the buyer was able to buy cash and flip it in almost the same day. That is typical. The difference in this cycle is if a next buy round occurs the buyer will have a premium futures market to lean on. There is an out. That is something we haven’t seen in a long time. That might be just enough to generate more cash buying. It did in the past, I’m just worried the headwinds will keep most out.

The other and most difficult part of this industry is the gap in value from today till next month. There has always been a gap of some sorts but today many are worried that what they buy today will have no value down the road. It is a very real problem. We have already experienced it in 2022 and 2021. There was a time when a product didn’t hold anywhere near the value it was bought at. With today’s uncertainties most don’t want to be caught in it. That will probably limit the next buy round once the needs are filled in regardless of the futures premium.

Another issue I would like to touch upon is the economic future. There is a constant barrage of economic data hitting us daily. It is all over the prediction scale. I want to go back to an analysis I sent out a few years ago about money and housing. There is a lot of data using the last few recessions to gauge how this one will look. I have to warn you that this will be the first recession since the late 70’s/early 80’s that won’t have money thrown at it. Since 1987 every slowdown has had money push into the system. This recession could be ugly. The one caveat is that just possibly we have pushed enough into it, pre-recession, to be an offset. That didn’t help the Roman Empire but just maybe it can help us. This industry will be back on its heels for months. It will probably take until the second quarter to get a clear picture of housing. That doesn’t necessarily tell us not to hold inventory……


Lumber Futures Volume & Open Interest

CFTC Commitments of Traders Long Report

Lumber & Wood Pulp Options

About the Leonard Report:

The Leonard Lumber Report is a column that focuses on the lumber futures market’s highs and lows and everything else in between. Our very own, Brian Leonard, risk analyst, will provide weekly commentary on the industry’s wood product sectors.


Brian Leonard

[email protected]


20 Jul 2022


Lumber has long been known as a quite illiquid futures market. We talked about it on the RCM blog here, on the Hedged Edge podcast here, and Derivative podcast here.

But changes are afoot which may solve the main issues that lead to the illiquid nature of lumber futures, with the CME Group getting ready to launch a new lumber futures and options contract that will be smaller and have more delivery options, which we believe will allow for more effective risk management. The CME said it plans to launch the new contract early in August. The current contract that expires in May 2023 will be the last month under current specifications. This has caused some buzz in the industry, so let’s take some time to check it out.

The two big new key features as far as we’re concerns are:

• Small contract size for precise hedging
• Participation from throughout the lumber supply chain

The smaller contract size is very welcome in the industry as the current lumber contract is for 110,000 board feet (1 rail carload), whereas the new contract will trade in lengths of 27,500 feet (1 truckload). This will allow for more precise and accurate hedging while allowing for more participation in the market from smaller traders. Smaller traders had been pushed out in the past with the requirements and contracts not fitting their needs. This will allow for greater liquidity in the market that currently only sees a couple hundred contracts traded a day.

The new contract also allows eastern mills to deliver, where the current contract only allowed western mill delivery. This expands the accessibility to producers to accommodate the changing landscape and needs of the market. Delivery will now be in Chicago and allow for eastern species of spruce, pine and fir, instead of just species grown in the west (southern yellow pine is still not a deliverable species). This will make the market more accessible and will increase participation and provide more risk management options.

Now, the CME is a publicly traded company and they’re doing this to generate more volumes and interest in this market. But that doesn’t mean it’s not a good thing. We think it will definitely create better liquidity for the lumber market, by both increasing volumes from current market participants and bringing new participants to the market.

By making deliverable contracts for both east and west mills while lowering the contract size, you attract new participants from all along the supply chain from producers of wood, to mills, on through to home builders. And as those commercial groups increase their footprint, the hope is that speculative trade flow (i.e hedge funds, ETF’s, and retail traders) also begin to increase interest in the market; creating a flywheel effect adding to the liquidity for the physical market participants.

The contract is ¼ the size of the old one meaning if you want to hedge or trade the same amount of board feet it will require 4 contracts instead of 1, creating more contracts to trade across the market (more liquid). The length also allows for more accurate hedging needs by making it easier to accurately manage your risk (think now you can protect 165,000 board feet vs either 110,000 or 220,000 feet). Traders will also be able to spread across the two markets for a short time creating new trade/arbitrage opportunities as they are not the same contract and specs, so they will not trade perfectly in tandem.

Ultimately homebuilders and speculators will be welcomed back into the market with these contracts being much more friendly. Builders will be able to hedge the price of lumber on a couple houses (or one large one) instead of having to hedge several at once that may not be under contract.

Our team as well as many others in the lumber industry are fired up after years of wanting a better lumber contract…LETS DO THIS!

As the contract progresses and ultimately receives approval, we will update this article to reflect new information provided from the CME and CFTC.

Contact an Ag Specialist Today
Whether you’re a producer, end-user, commercial operator, RCM AG Services helps protect revenues and control costs through its suite of hedging tools and network of buyers/sellers — Contact RCM Ag Services today for more information on how this new contract could fit your business.
[email protected]