Category: Market Updates

24 Sep 2021


Corn was pretty even on the week, only losing 1 cent as overall market weakness to start the week pulled it lower, followed by a rebound the last few days. Harvest continues to roll on as there has been great weather the last week in most parts of the country. Inconsistent yield reports coming out of the eastern corn belt have raised an eyebrow, but with a long way to go before the end of harvest, it is not a market mover. As always, when harvest comes, we will begin to get an idea of how many bushels are going straight to market and how much will go into storage. The late rally in 2020 and into this year may have some farmers trigger shy along with a La Nina year in South America. The exports were steady but nothing major to move the markets one way or another. Look for the shipping/export problems to continue until all the issues caused by Hurricane Ida are fixed. The next USDA report on the 30th will be what the market and traders position themselves for over the next week.

Via Barchart                        Soybeans have had a similar bounce back after the start of the week but still fell slightly. Exports have been strong recently as China continues to be a buyer as US beans have become competitive in the world market. Harvest for beans has gotten going as well and will continue in the coming weeks. Dozens of crush plants in China have been forced to close while the government looks to reduce electricity use to meet energy-saving goals. There has been a lot of confusion around the biofuel mandates but, until we get a final answer from the Biden administration, the market does not seem to be interested in rumors.

Via Barchart

Dow Jones

The Dow has gotten its losses back following the Evergrande driven collapse to start the week. The quick bounce back after the worst day in several months is good to see for the bulls, while the bears do not think that is the only issue in the market and a correction is still due. Despite the bounce back, the Evergrande news will be followed for a while.The Fed did not make any major changes this week but may be looking to towards the end of the year.


Check out our recent podcast where we’ve brought on one of our real-life firefighters from RCM Ag – Jody Lawrence, along with Tim Andriesen from the CME Group to provide us with some inside baseball knowledge of the current state of agriculture markets. They discuss the real-world application of short-dated options to potentially fight the recent blaze of volatility surrounding agriculture markets.

US Drought Monitor

The maps below show the US drought monitor and the comparison to it from a week ago. The outlined areas in black are areas that the drought will have a dominant impact.





17 Sep 2021


Corn was struggling heading into the USDA report last week but has seen a good 30+ cent bounce from the sub $5.00 lows. The USDA raised their expected yield for corn to 176.3 bu/acre and added 600,000 acres. They also raised the ending stocks with higher yield for what some would consider a bearish report, but the reaction was neutral to bullish following it. As harvest gets going, yield estimates cover a wide range, but it appears that a mid 170s is more and more likely. With no significant weather concerns in the coming weeks, harvest should get off to a fast start. As strong as prices currently are, it is always essential to have a marketing strategy to avoid missing out on other opportunities. As you debate how much to store in the bins or go ahead and sell, make sure it is what makes the most sense for your farm. If you want to sell now to get the cash, consider what can be done on paper to not miss out in case of higher prices in the future. As harvest gets rolling expect yield updates to change as well while the markets keep an eye on them.

Via Barchart

Soybeans have had a similar reaction the past couple of weeks as corn. The USDA slightly raised their bean yield to 50.6 bu/acre from 50 and lowered harvested acres by 300,000. China continues to show up in the export report which is both needed and welcome to see after this summer’s lack.. As the ports in New Orleans and the other grain terminals along the Mississippi River reopen following the hurricane, export disruption worry has slowed. Harvest (like corn) should get off to a great start in the coming weeks, and it is crucial to have your marketing plan ready and execute it. Keep an eye on yield reports as they come out in the weeks ahead and the cash market as it will help give an idea of how much people are willing to sell now or store.

Via Barchart

Dow Jones

The Dow has struggled so far in September like the other indexes. This is not uncommon to see this time of the year but does give investors heartburn when you see back-to-back weeks of struggles.


The insurance price was set for the red wheat varieties yesterday at $7.16 and $7.08, a multi-year high.  High prices cure high prices so expect corn to lose acres in the Wheat Belt as the guarantees will motivate additional wheat acres.


Check out our recent podcast where we’ve brought on one of our real-life firefighters from RCM Ag – Jody Lawrence, along with Tim Andriesen from the CME Group to provide us with some inside baseball knowledge of the current state of agriculture markets. They discuss the real-world application of short-dated options to fight the recent blaze of volatility surrounding agriculture markets potentially.


US Drought Monitor

The maps below show the US drought monitor and the comparison to it from a week ago. The dryness will allow harvest to start on time.





03 Sep 2021


Corn was hit hard this week as we continue to experience the fallout from Ida hitting the export business along with a favorable weather forecast ahead. Exports were better than expected this week coming in at 43 million bushels, which was the highest export total for corn since mid-May. The fallout from Ida will, more than likely, be seen playing out in the cash market.  That said, the longer supply chains are tied up, the bigger effect it will have on the uncertainty of the futures market. As we have mentioned before, South America’s crop is smaller than initially anticipated. With a smaller crop there will be some demand shift to the US corn crop; however, that is yet to show up in the export reports thus far. The big question is if/when that will change and show up in the US export reports. The September 10th USDA report next week will either fuel this bear run of the last month or calm the seas. An interesting note – The September USDA report the last 3 years has had the corn yield below the final yield which will be something to look for if they adjust yield.

Via Barchart

Soybeans have had the same fate as corn the last few weeks as the bears have had the momentum. The issues in New Orleans are playing a major role in this week’s fall just like they did for corn. Brazil is getting some of that business despite a premium being paid just because traders know they can get beans on a ship and send it. The good weather in the weeks ahead could still help the soybean crop despite maybe being a little too late for most corn. As seasonal temperatures set in and no freeze expected any time soon the weather is bearish for prices while good for the crop.

Via Barchart

Dow Jones

The Dow gained on the week as investors continue to feel out the market but not ditching it completely for other options. The rally from last Friday helped pull the market up on the week as the rest of the trading has been muted with no major moving days.


The port of New Orleans and the other infrastructure in the state of Louisiana and along the Mississippi River will take weeks to address and fix. This will/has caused major problems already for many residents in the areas effected along with the shipping.


Check out our recent podcast where we’ve brought on one of our real-life firefighters from RCM Ag – Jody Lawrence along with Tim Andriesen from the CME Group to provide us with some inside baseball knowledge of the current state of the agriculture markets and to discuss the real-world application of the use of short-dated options to potentially fight the current blaze of volatility surrounding agriculture markets.


US Drought Monitor

The maps below show there was a little change over the week with weekend rains in some areas that needed it and some drying in Indiana.


27 Aug 2021


Corn was unchanged on the week as slow news, a lack of major export announcements, and no major rain events crossed the area’s most in need. Additionally, most of the corn belt has seen above average temperatures this week keeping a bid under the market. The late season heat and hot nights are taking their toll on the crop but hopefully the heat will end soon according to some forecasts. This time of year, markets begin to look at multiple yield reports coming in from various independent groups – i.e the Pro Farmer Tour (results HERE). At first glance many in the industry feel the tour results are a bit high, but only time will tell.  Any big surprise exports or continued weather problems will be the bulls news while rain and yield reports will be the bears.

Via Barchart

Soybeans made small gains on the week as the same news moved beans that moved corn. China continues to be a buyer going on 2 weeks now which is supportive after their long silence. The market is reacting to these purchases as if they were expected and normal purchases. Regular and consistent purchases will need to continue for the market to remain supportive.  Any abrupt could see another slide heading into harvest before we have a better idea on yield. The rains that some think will help corn will also help beans as we head into September.

Via Barchart

Dow Jones

The Dow gained on the week as what seemed to be investor weariness last week turned into buying opportunities. The events in Afghanistan weighed on the market Thursday with uncertainty about the US foreign relations going forward.  As of this morning, Friday 8/27/2021, the S&P and Nasdaq are making fresh all-time highs following the latest comments from the Federal Reserve where NO NEW policy changes were announced and supportive monetary measures will remain in place.


The suicide bombing by an ISIS-K member Thursday in Kabul, that claimed the lives of dozens of Afghan citizens, along with a dozen US Service members, while injuring countless others, shook the world. The swiftness of the fall of Afghanistan’s army and government to the Taliban has put the US at the center of one of the biggest international situations in recent memory. Going forward the countries around Afghanistan will be important to keep an eye on for exporters to the middle east.


Check out our recent podcast where we’ve brought on one of our real-life firefighters from RCM Ag – Jody Lawrence along with Tim Andriesen from the CME Group to provide us with some inside baseball knowledge of the current state of the agriculture markets and to discuss the real-world application of the use of short-dated options to potentially fight the current blaze of volatility surrounding agriculture markets.

US Drought Monitor

The maps below show there was not much change over the week despite weekend rains in some areas that needed it and some drying in Indiana.


20 Aug 2021


Corn fell on the week tied to better than expected rain totals and uninspiring demand news. Weather over this weekend is expected to provide relief in some areas before normal late summer weather returns to much of the corn belt. Exports were good but lagging this week and as we have seen recently we need consistent and strong buying, not just good. Thursday’s strong downturn was commodity wide as all grains and energies struggled. The western corn belt is expected to get rain this weekend – it needs it – as you can see in the drought monitor below. We are still within the pre-report trading range so how the market trades on Friday and rainfall over the weekend will be the market movers the next couple of trading days.

Via Barchart                          Soybeans, like corn, fell on the week lead by the losses on Thursday. Bean oil and meal also struggled over the last few days as world demand remains in question going forward. The rains expected over this weekend should help the bean crop more so than corn in those areas so the actual rainfall received will be important come Sunday night. Like corn, exports were good but not great and we NEED great to get people excited. If we see China buying new crop beans (or corn) in the coming weeks that would be welcome support for the market that is needing direction. The Biden administration has yet to make up their mind on what they want to do with biofuel mandates presenting the markets with a big question mark that they must work with for now.

Via Barchart

Dow Jones

The Dow lost on the week as markets try to solve the mystery of the Fed and their tapering while also worried about the Delta variant. The consumer demand report and weakness in China consumer demand are hanging over the markets with a possible correction on the way according to some analysts.

US Dollar

The US Dollar hit a 10 month high adding to the bearish reaction across all commodities this week. A weaker USD helps US commodities be more competitive, but we are still a long way from where we were pre-pandemic.


Check out our recent podcast where we’ve brought on one of our real-life firefighters from RCM Ag – Jody Lawrence along with Tim Andriesen from the CME Group to provide us with some inside baseball knowledge of the current state of the agriculture markets and to discuss the real-world application of the use of short-dated options to potentially fight the current blaze of volatility surrounding agriculture markets.

US Drought Monitor

The maps below show the current drought conditions with rains expected over much of the corn belt over the weekend. Last week’s is also there for comparison week over week.


13 Aug 2021


Corn saw large gains following the USDA report on Thursday before finishing the day well off the highs. The USDA cut expected yield to 174.60 bu/acre from 179.5 in the July report. The USDA also lowered Brazil’s crop yield by 6 million tons to 87 million and some estimates believe it will still be lower than that. The combination of these two yield cuts cut the world ending stocks for the 21/22 year by over 6.5 million tons which shows a slightly lower demand as well.

The report this year cut yield expectations much earlier than in the past which is what surprised the market as we usually get adjustments after the fact. Brazil will probably see another cut in their production down the road where the USDA left the possibility of raising the US production in the future by making such a drastic cut. The drought monitor at the bottom shows current conditions and although it is slightly improved from last week but as you have seen the plains have had a brutal stretch.

Via Barchart                       

Soybeans had more of a mixed report but still gained following the report while finishing well off their highs. The USDA pegged the bean crop at 50 bushel per acre but cut demand by raising world ending stocks. As the demand from China has slowed from the torrid pace to start the year that fueled the run up in price the demand has been quiet recently. With improving weather conditions coming down the stretch the US bean crop is in good shape with the possibility to improve. The world supply is snug but not critically tight so there is more wiggle room for beans than corn currently.

Via Barchart

Dow Jones

The Dow gained on the week as strong earnings continue to come through with the normal names leading the way. The Biden administration’s Infrastructure plan will become more a story as more exact details come out but will provide areas of growth.


Check out our recent podcast where we’ve brought on one of our real-life firefighters from RCM Ag – Jody Lawrence along with Tim Andriesen from the CME Group to provide us with some inside baseball knowledge of the current state of the agriculture markets and to discuss the real-world application of the use of short-dated options to potentially fight the current blaze of volatility surrounding agriculture markets.

US Drought Monitor

The maps below show the continued drought conditions in the northern Midwest that reaches into the Canadian planes while it has also improved since last week.



08 Aug 2021


Corn lost over the last 2 weeks, but as you can see below the range has been much tighter than in the last 3 months. Next week’s reports will be the best chance to trade out of this range, whether it is higher or lower is the billion dollar question. Many private firms have come out with estimates recently ranging from the USDA’s number of 179.5 to the mid 170s. Anything lower than 178 would help the price of corn, along with the continued demand rebound and a smaller Brazil crop tightening world supply. CONAB will update the expected yield for Brazil on the 10th of August (next week) kicking off a week of important reports. Brazil is expected to continue to get smaller BUT will the USDA adjust their world ending stocks appropriately in the report on the 12th? Currently the USDA has Brazil’s production pegged at 300-320 million bushels higher than CONAB so a correction would seem to be coming this week.

As you can see in the drought monitors at the bottom many areas are still suffering from a lack of rain and recent heat did not help the situation. Heat is expected to return by the middle of the month after this small break so rain continues to be welcome across the corn belt. Exports were better than expected this week; however not that large numbers that were expected.

Via Barchart                       

Soybeans had a rough week as bean conditions continue to be strong with solid expected yields. Beans have a more bearish feel right now with weather not playing a major factor one way or another. The demand has not ramped up like it did this time last year in the export markets = the bulls need to see that level of demand return to spark additional buying. The USDA’s report next week, like corn, should give us an important update on the expected demand. Current yield estimates are all above 50 bushels an acre with several over 51 bushels. Oil and meal markets have experienced weakness recently as well attributing to soybeans continued decline.

Via Barchart

Dow Jones

Despite worries about the Delta Variant, the Dow gained over the last couple weeks and finally broke out to new all-time highs today (Friday, August 6th) as companies continue to beat earnings across the board. Some states/cities have begun readopting mask mandates in hopes to slow the spread while vaccine rollouts continue.


Check out our recent podcast where we’ve brought on one of our real-life firefighters from RCM Ag – Jody Lawrence along with Tim Andriesen from the CME Group to provide us with some inside baseball knowledge of the current state of the agriculture markets and to discuss the real-world application of the use of short-dated options to potentially fight the current blaze of volatility surrounding agriculture markets.

US Drought Monitor

The maps below show the continued drought conditions in the northern Midwest that reaches into the Canadian planes.



27 Jul 2021

Managing Today’s Market Risks through Short Dated Options with CME Group

It is no secret that commodity markets have been on fire over the past 12 months.   On today’s podcast we’ve brought on one of our real-life firefighters from RCM Ag – Jody Lawrence along with Tim Andriesen from the CME Group to provide us with some inside baseball knowledge of the current state of the agriculture markets and to discuss the real world application of the use of short dated options to potentially fight the current blaze of volatility surrounding agriculture markets.

As the director of Research for RCM Jody is no stranger to the podcast.  Tim, is the Managing Director of Agriculture products for the CME Group and is responsible for management of the company’s global agriculture commodities business – including grain, oilseed, livestock and dairy risk management products.


Find the full episode links for The Hedged Edge below:

23 Jul 2021


Corn made small gains early in the week only to fall short heading into the weekend as weakness continues to creep into the market with poor exports continuing and weather uncertainty. The hottest temperatures of the year for the plains and western corn belt are expected in the next few days with the only relief possibly coming past the 7 day forecast. As bad as things seem in the western corn belt, the eastern corn belt is having great weather, but will it be enough to offset those loses?

Brazil’s crop continues to get smaller, despite the USDA not making any major outlook changes, as they experience more freezing temperatures on their corn crop. China continues to sit on the sideline with no big purchases as they wait for lower prices before buying US corn. We know they will need to make purchases at some point but as we have seen in the past when there is no news from China prices tend to dip until they make a purchase so they will be quiet waiting for the right time to buy.

Via Barchart                          Soybeans had a rough Thursday as the extended forecast offered a chance of help.  We have to remember that extended, is just that – it’s NOT tomorrow – and just as help was added it can go back to hot and dry in one weather report. You’ll note in the chart below that beans have been trading mostly sideways since the start of May. This will probably continue unless some unforeseen news hits the markets or a major weather event/change in forecast happens. The next major report is the August 12th report which could be what finally gets us out of the range (whether to the upside or downside is TBD).

The bean oil market has added volatility to beans as well as the Biden administration’s silence on their direction for the bio fuel industry.  Their lack of action, one way or the other, is hurting beans and bean oil as producers remain with unanswered questions which leads to uneasiness (read volatility).

Via Barchart

Dow Jones

The Dow lost on the week (Thursday-Thursday) following a large selloff on Monday followed by 3 straight days of gains. The market was trading positively into the week’s end as well getting back over 35,000 in intraday. The Delta variant worries seem to be biggest fear in the market right now as it spread dangerously throughout under vaccinated areas of the country threatening the continued reopening.


Check out our recent podcast with Dr. Greg Willoughby: We’re talking with Greg in the new episode about being a “plant doctor”, weather patterns, GMO & organic produce, crop history, technical advances, level 201 education on agronomy, the agronomy equation, Helena Agri, soil biology, American v European agriculture, Greg’s early background in livestock, and the advancement of native plants to modern produce.

US Drought Monitor

The maps below show the current drought conditions in the US. The second map is last week’s so you can see how the areas that received rain improved or did not. The wild fires continue to rage in the west as smoke from them has carried all the way to Southeastern US.


16 Jul 2021


Corn rallied this week following Monday’s USDA report that was relatively neutral. The USDA left expected US yield the same while slightly lowering the 20/21 ending stocks and raising the 2021 production. The USDA did lower Brazil’s corn production numbers, but some estimates still think they are overstating what it will be. The USDA dropped Brazil’s corn production from 98.5 million tons to 93 million, while only raising Argentina’s 1.5 million. The drought conditions persist in the upper Midwest as some areas are expected to get rain over the weekend. The drought in the Canadian prairies and Dakotas does not have any major relief in the forecast as heat and dryness remains in the next weeks forecast. Exports this week were small but not surprising. Weather continues to be the main driver as markets will react to where it rained and how much over the weekend to start next week. Currently about 36% of the US corn production is in an area experiencing drought. As you can see in the drought monitor below northern Iowa and southern Minnesota is a good amount of that.

Via Barchart                          

Soybeans gained on the week as well following the USDA report. There was no adjustment to expected yield and only slight adjustments higher to ending stocks. Beans kept up their momentum following the report for the week before cooling off Thursday. It will be important how they end the week and open Sunday to set the tone for next week. Weather continues to be the main market mover as it will be important heading into the end of July and August. About 31% of the soybean production is in an area currently experiencing drought so any and all rain will be welcome for the crop but the price will be impacted as well.

Via Barchart

Dow Jones

The Dow gained on the week despite growing inflation concerns and Powell’s comments about Fed strategy. The Biden administration’s child tax credit has arrived as well with it going into effect this week. The Delta variant continues to spread around the US with some places beginning to bring back mask requirements.


Check out our recent podcast with Dr. Greg Willoughby: We’re talking with Greg in the new episode about being a “plant doctor”, weather patterns, GMO & organic produce, crop history, technical advances, level 201 education on agronomy, the agronomy equation, Helena Agri, soil biology, American v European agriculture, Greg’s early background in livestock, and the advancement of native plants to modern produce.

US Drought Monitor

The maps below show the current drought conditions in the US. The second map is last week’s so you can see how the areas that received rain improved or did not.
