Tag: corn

23 Jun 2023


Welcome to the weather market we have been waiting for. The market skyrocketed higher as drought conditions set it across the US as growing is well on the way. The market ended the week with large losses as the chances of rain across a large area is expected over the weekend. While the market was quick to give up 40 cents on chances of rain whether or not that rain comes is still a question mark, let alone the amount needed is unlikely to happen. The US corn crop was rated at 55% good/excellent to start the week, very low for this time of year before we get into the heat of the summer. The actual rainfall amount seen over the weekend will be important, but continued rain in the coming weeks will be needed with minimal subsoil moisture currently helping this crop.

Via Barchart

Soybeans saw a similar rally to corn in the last couple weeks with the drought conditions helping the market higher then rain chances pulling them back. The chances of rain this weekend will help soybeans, like corn, but the soybean crop is not in full panic mode yet although it is in some places. The US crop was rated 54% good/excellent to start the holiday shortened week as the weather market is in full effect. One other piece of news this week was the US EPA adjusting the biofuel mandates for 2023-25. While they raised the blending requirements to 22.38 billion gallons by 2025 many were expecting/hoping for higher amounts to give soybeans another catalyst higher. While they increased the 2023 renewable volume obligation by 120 million gallons from the December proposal, they lowered the RVOs by 300+ million gallons for ’24 and ’25.

Via Barchart

Equity Markets

The equity markets saw losses this week after an impressive run over the last couple of months in tech. Recession fears are still widespread in the market as we are not out of the storm yet with inflation still well above the target levels. The Fed did not raise rates in their latest meeting as expected but could still raise them again in the future.

Via Barchart

Drought Monitor

The drought monitors below show the change in drought conditions over the last 2 weeks.


With every new year, there are new opportunities, and there’s no better time to dive deeply into the stock market and tax-saving strategies for 2023 than now. In our latest episode of the Hedged Edge, we’re joined by Tim Webb, Chief Investment Officer and Managing Partner from our sister company, RCM Wealth Advisors. Tim is no stranger to advising institutions and agribusinesses where he has been implementing no-nonsense financial planning strategies and market investment disciplines to help Clients build and maintain wealth and reach financial goals since

Inside this jam-packed session, we’re taking a break from commodities, and talking about the world of equities, interest rates, tax savings, and business planning strategies. Plus, Jeff and Tim delve into a variety of topics like:

  • The current state of the markets within the wealth management industry
  • Is there a beacon of hope, or is it all doom and gloom for the markets?
  • Other strategies to think about outside of the stock market and so much more!


Via Barchart.com


Contact an Ag Specialist Today

Whether you’re a producer, end-user, commercial operator, RCM AG Services helps protect revenues and control costs through its suite of hedging tools and network of buyers/sellers — Contact Ag Specialist Brady Lawrence today at 312-858-4049 or [email protected].


09 Jun 2023

Ag Market Update: June USDA Report Overview

22/23 US Corn Stocks:  1.452 BBU (1.449 BBU Est)

22/23 World Corn Stocks:  297.60 MMT (297.66 MMT Est)

23/24 US Ending Stocks:  2.257 BBU (2.254 BBU Est)

23/24 World Ending Stocks: 314.00 MMT (313.40 MMT Est)

22/23 Brazil/ARG Corn Prod: 167.00 MMT (166.67 Est)

World corn stocks look to grow a lot year over year with expected economic slowdowns dragging on consumption. The USDA left production estimates unchanged, while this is not surprising for the June report, the weather will need to start helping or we should see a drop in next month’s report. The EU and GFS weather models continue to be inconsistent for the next two weeks. The USDA lowered Argentina’s production from last month but raised Brazil’s.


22/23 US Bean Stocks:  230 MBU (223 MBU Est)

22/23 World Bean Stocks:  101.30 MMT (100.55 MMT Est)

23/24 US Ending Stocks:  350 MBU (345 MBU Est)

23/24 World Ending Stocks:  123.30 MMT (121.99 MMT Est)

22/23 Brazil/ARG Bean Prod: 181.00 MMT (180.16 Est)

The USDA kept the US production the same while lowering exports, which leads to a big jump in US ending stocks. Crush margins should keep supporting beans, as weather is not a major factor, yet, to worry about. Like corn, the drop in Argentina’s bean crop was partially offset by Brazil’s gains.


22/23 US Wheat Stocks:  598 MBU (606 MBU Est)

22/23 World Wheat Stocks:  266.70 MMT (266.58 MMT Est)

23/24 US Wheat Stocks:  562 MBU (569 MBU Est)

23/24 World Ending Stocks:  270.70 MMT (264.65 MMT Est)

2023 US All Wheat Production:  1.665 MBU (1.672 MBU Est)

The USDA forecasted wheat world ending stocks to grow more than expected with higher stock in Russia, India Ukraine and the EU all revising higher. The US ending stocks were raised with a raise in US production as well. Wheat will continue to keep its eyes on the Black Sea, which as we have learned can be unpredictable.



Business as usual with no big surprises in the June report as the USDA left US production estimates untouched. The USDA also left Chinese imports the same with 23 million tons or corn and 100 million tons of beans. The lack of any major news in the report was expected but the lack of any real bearish surprises was welcome. As it starts to heat up many areas will still be looking for rain, especially in the WCB that was lacking subsoil moisture to begin with. Forecasts will be the most watched thing moving forward as the inconsistencies in models does little to ameliorate any concerns.


December 2023 – Corn

November 2023 – Beans

July 2023 – Wheat

Via Barchart

Contact an Ag Specialist Today

Whether you’re a producer, end-user, commercial operator, RCM AG Services helps protect revenues and control costs through its suite of hedging tools and network of buyers/sellers — Contact Ag Specialist Brady Lawrence today at 312-858-4049 or [email protected].

26 May 2023


Corn had its best 2 week stretch in quite a while. As you can see from the chart below this has been the first meaningful rally, we have seen in 2023. As corn planting was 81% complete to start the week, ahead of the average pace, the trade has started to look at the weather outlook as we head into June. A dry pattern has begun forming in the coming weeks as it begins to warm up across the corn belt. While the heat in June is not overly worrisome it will be important to keep an eye on it as a warm dry June, followed by a hot dry July, could be plenty to do some serious damage to the US crop. We are a long way from this becoming a reality but a few weeks of dry heat to start June could help this rally keep some momentum or at least not give back the recent gains. Exports continue to be disappointing, and the extension of the Black Sea grain corridor isn’t bullish, but as usual the focus will be on final planted acres and weather in the coming weeks.

Via Barchart

Soybeans can’t get any momentum as South American beans continue to be the preferred option in the world market. November futures made a new low this week before getting a modest bounce on Friday heading into the long weekend. As demand continues to struggle the USDA will likely continue to trim exports in the next report, which will add to ending stocks for 22/23. Beans were 66% planted, ahead of the average pace, as weather concerns won’t hit the soybean market just yet. Beans are lacking any bullish news as they wait for a spark but struggle to find where it will come from.

Via Barchart

Cotton had a volatile week as seen in the chart below. When these opportunities present themselves, you do not want to miss the opportunity to hedge your risk. Have a plan and be prepared if there is another 5-cent spike that could make a big difference in your bottom line and potentially a good spot to place a hedge. The 78-84 cent range of Dec 2023 cotton has been consistent with pops to the upside and dips back to the bottom. The world economic outlook and US weather will be the main drivers moving forward into the long weekend.

Via Barchart

Equity Markets

The equity markets continue their mixed run of late with the DJI continuing to struggle while the S&P and NASDAQ stocks see gains. NVIDIA was the big winner of the week as chips and AI have investors’ focus. While the jury is still out on Artificial Intelligence and what role it will play in the coming years, one thing is clear, investors don’t want to miss the boat even though we do not know if the boat is the Titanic or the USS Missouri.

Via Barchart

Drought Monitor

The drought monitor below shows the struggles in the weestern corn belt as the eastern corn belt is in good shape as planting wraps up.


With every new year, there are new opportunities, and there’s no better time to dive deeply into the stock market and tax-saving strategies for 2023 than now. In our latest episode of the Hedged Edge, we’re joined by Tim Webb, Chief Investment Officer and Managing Partner from our sister company, RCM Wealth Advisors. Tim is no stranger to advising institutions and agribusinesses where he has been implementing no-nonsense financial planning strategies and market investment disciplines to help Clients build and maintain wealth and reach financial goals since

Inside this jam-packed session, we’re taking a break from commodities, and talking about the world of equities, interest rates, tax savings, and business planning strategies. Plus, Jeff and Tim delve into a variety of topics like:

  • The current state of the markets within the wealth management industry
  • Is there a beacon of hope, or is it all doom and gloom for the markets?
  • Other strategies to think about outside of the stock market and so much more!


Via Barchart.com


Contact an Ag Specialist Today

Whether you’re a producer, end-user, commercial operator, RCM AG Services helps protect revenues and control costs through its suite of hedging tools and network of buyers/sellers — Contact Ag Specialist Brady Lawrence today at 312-858-4049 or [email protected].


15 May 2023


The USDA Report on Friday did not give any bullish news. But the overall muted market reaction was good to see as the overall report did not offer much to help prices. The USDA had production and ending stocks above pre-report estimates with the main number of US yield an expected 181.5 bpa. The USDA did not change their April estimates for Argentina’s crop, which remains higher than the numbers from the Rosario Grain Exchange but did raise the production estimates for Brazil. The USDA raised ending stocks on expectations for lower exports which matches the theme in the export space of late. The US crop planting progress was 65% complete to start this week.

Via Barchart

Soybeans had a bad week, like corn, but did not have as bearish a response following the report as the numbers could have led to. The major numbers were in-line with pre-report estimates except for the ending stocks for similar reasons as corn, with lower exports and south American production. WASDE did not lower Argentina’s numbers for beans either. The world bean market needs to find a new demand angle to keep from being oversupplied if the US has a great growing year. The US soybean crop was seen as 49% planted to start the week.

Via Barchart

Wheat was the lone warm spot of the report with some numbers coming in below trade estimates. The 23/24 world wheat ending stocks came in well above the pre-report estimates at 264.3 MMT (259.5 MMT) consumption and exports are lower. Wheat got a strong bounce, with KC leading the way, and should give corn some help. The Black Sea corridor will remain the biggest issue for commodities as any stops or problems will be supportive for Wheat.

Via Barchart

Equity Markets

The equity markets were mixed this week with the Dow getting hit with losses, the S&P being relatively flat and the Nasdaq continuing higher. Tech continues higher after good earnings from the major companies and the market thinking the Fed is done raising rates and potentially lowering sooner. The markets are still waiting for a catalyst as it has been a story of the have and have nots as of late.

Via Barchart

Drought Monitor

The eastern corn belt has gotten plenty of moisture as planting has begun while the western corn belt in some areas getting lots of moisture over the weekend.


With every new year, there are new opportunities, and there’s no better time to dive deeply into the stock market and tax-saving strategies for 2023 than now. In our latest episode of the Hedged Edge, we’re joined by Tim Webb, Chief Investment Officer and Managing Partner from our sister company, RCM Wealth Advisors. Tim is no stranger to advising institutions and agribusinesses where he has been implementing no-nonsense financial planning strategies and market investment disciplines to help Clients build and maintain wealth and reach financial goals since

Inside this jam-packed session, we’re taking a break from commodities, and talking about the world of equities, interest rates, tax savings, and business planning strategies. Plus, Jeff and Tim delve into a variety of topics like:

  • The current state of the markets within the wealth management industry
  • Is there a beacon of hope, or is it all doom and gloom for the markets?
  • Other strategies to think about outside of the stock market and so much more!


Via Barchart.com


Contact an Ag Specialist Today

Whether you’re a producer, end-user, commercial operator, RCM AG Services helps protect revenues and control costs through its suite of hedging tools and network of buyers/sellers — Contact Ag Specialist Brady Lawrence today at 312-858-4049 or [email protected].

28 Apr 2023


The losing streak continued for corn this week after another week with no bullish news keeps hitting prices. With Brazil’s prices as low as they are due to record production, China cancelled a 233,000-tonne corn purchase this week. This is not a new strategy by China as they cancel purchases from the US once they know Brazil can meet their demand for cheaper. This could lead the USDA to lower export expectations for the year and we would not be surprised to see more cancelations. While all the news has been bad of late and the chart looks ugly, the bounce off the lows to end the week was helpful. The weather remains cool and wet across much of the corn belt for the next week but should warm up and dry out after that to allow for quick planting come mid May. Corn planting progress was as expected this week at 14% complete.

Via Barchart

Soybeans had had seven consecutive days lower before their bounce on Friday to end the week. Brazilian markets had imploded but now appear to be stabilized, but still priced far below the US price. Like corn, there have been some cancelations and slow down in purchases, which will likely make the USDA lower export predictions for beans as well. Bean planting was seen 9% complete to start the week which is slightly ahead of expectations. Corn and Beans are both battling lower prices in Brazil and a good start to planting while they wait on news to change the trade direction.

Via Barchart

Equity Markets

The equity markets got a bounce this week after several mega cap tech companies delivered strong earnings report. Next week’s reports don’t have as many big names but it does have Apple which may be the most important stock. GDP growth cooled for the 3rd straight quarter growing slightly over 1%, the drop of 1%+ quarter over quarter the last three will make Q2 growth important to see if that trend continues and we slip into negative growth, also known as recession territory.

Via Barchart

Drought Monitor

The eastern corn belt has gotten plenty of moisture, some too much, so far this winter with the western corn belt dry.


With every new year, there are new opportunities, and there’s no better time to dive deeply into the stock market and tax-saving strategies for 2023 than now. In our latest episode of the Hedged Edge, we’re joined by Tim Webb, Chief Investment Officer and Managing Partner from our sister company, RCM Wealth Advisors. Tim is no stranger to advising institutions and agribusinesses where he has been implementing no-nonsense financial planning strategies and market investment disciplines to help Clients build and maintain wealth and reach financial goals since

Inside this jam-packed session, we’re taking a break from commodities, and talking about the world of equities, interest rates, tax savings, and business planning strategies. Plus, Jeff and Tim delve into a variety of topics like:

  • The current state of the markets within the wealth management industry
  • Is there a beacon of hope, or is it all doom and gloom for the markets?
  • Other strategies to think about outside of the stock market and so much more!


Via Barchart.com


Contact an Ag Specialist Today

Whether you’re a producer, end-user, commercial operator, RCM AG Services helps protect revenues and control costs through its suite of hedging tools and network of buyers/sellers — Contact Ag Specialist Brady Lawrence today at 312-858-4049 or [email protected].

24 Apr 2023


Corn had a rough week, especially to end the week falling over 20 cents after a small rally. Poor weekly exports, fund selling and the potential for rain in the driest parts of the US pushed prices lower this week. Corn planting was 8% complete to start the week, slightly behind where it was expected to be but in fine shape for this point of the year. Weather will remain a problem from the Midwest with cold temps continuing. Any news out of Russia and Ukraine will continue to move markets.

Via Barchart

Soybeans had a similar week to corn with weakness into the weekend. Brazilian soybeans continue to be at a big discount to Chicago, $2.00, with their record production and storage shortage. China is not as active a buyer as expected in Brazil but less demand from them will lead to more from other places taking away from US exports. The soybean balance sheet has been tight so that would not be a bad thing for global supply but would not be friendly to getting back to $14 beans.

Via Barchart

Cotton was limit down at one point during Thursday’s trade, before bouncing slightly for its worst day in over a month. The export report was less than impressive this week at a 15-week low. The chart broke through its support level during the down trade, changing how the charts look. The chance of rain in west Texas was one of the drivers as it only takes a few well-timed rains to make the markets nervous. While it is still only a chance of rain all eyes will be on if that rainfall comes to fruition. Any widespread rain in west Texas would lead to another limit move lower.

Via Barchart

Equity Markets

The equity markets bled a little this week as the market looks for direction from earnings. The S&P 500 was unable to break through the 4,200 level, coming close before moving lower for the week. Earnings next week for some major companies (Microsoft, Google, Meta, and Amazon) will give us a lot of information that will determine the market’s next move.

Via Barchart

Drought Monitor

The eastern corn belt has gotten plenty of moisture, some too much, so far this winter with the western corn belt dry.


With every new year, there are new opportunities, and there’s no better time to dive deeply into the stock market and tax-saving strategies for 2023 than now. In our latest episode of the Hedged Edge, we’re joined by Tim Webb, Chief Investment Officer and Managing Partner from our sister company, RCM Wealth Advisors. Tim is no stranger to advising institutions and agribusinesses where he has been implementing no-nonsense financial planning strategies and market investment disciplines to help Clients build and maintain wealth and reach financial goals since

Inside this jam-packed session, we’re taking a break from commodities, and talking about the world of equities, interest rates, tax savings, and business planning strategies. Plus, Jeff and Tim delve into a variety of topics like:

  • The current state of the markets within the wealth management industry
  • Is there a beacon of hope, or is it all doom and gloom for the markets?
  • Other strategies to think about outside of the stock market and so much more!


Via Barchart.com


Contact an Ag Specialist Today

Whether you’re a producer, end-user, commercial operator, RCM AG Services helps protect revenues and control costs through its suite of hedging tools and network of buyers/sellers — Contact Ag Specialist Brady Lawrence today at 312-858-4049 or [email protected].


12 Apr 2023


Corn has been down over the last week and half after the prospective plantings report and this week’s supply and demand report. The theme has been a lack of market moving news with little surprises in the reports. This week’s report was slightly higher than pre-report estimates for US and world ending stocks, but slightly below estimates for Argentina and Brazil’s production. The market did not react much either way to the report as the market continued to trade in its current range. Cash basis is rising and planting is rolling this week, expect this range bound trade to continue between the March 22nd low of $5.47 ½ and resistance at the 20 DMA at $5.61 until there is a catalyst to move it.

Via Barchart

Soybeans had a similar week to corn as they traded lower off the post planting report bump. The demand for beans has picked up recently but US and world stocks came out higher than anticipated. Basis continues to improve for beans as well with South Americas crop continuing to get smaller. We continue to learn how bad the Argentine crop is with potential to be the smallest crop in the last 20 years. The recent sideways trend looks to continue for old crop as stocks remain tight with falling Brazilian prices keeping the market from moving higher.

Via Barchart

Equity Markets

The DJIA moved higher this week while the S&P and Nasdaq sank as CPI came in .1% better than expected with year over year inflation sitting at 5%, core CPI was at 5.6%. It is still expected that the Fed will raise another 25 basis points next month, but the markets believe that will be the last rate hike this year. Q1 earnings kick off this week with several big banks, the guidance and response to the recent banking crisis will be the focus.

Via Barchart

Drought Monitor

The eastern corn belt has gotten plenty of moisture, some too much, so far this winter with the western corn belt dry.


With every new year, there are new opportunities, and there’s no better time to dive deeply into the stock market and tax-saving strategies for 2023 than now. In our latest episode of the Hedged Edge, we’re joined by Tim Webb, Chief Investment Officer and Managing Partner from our sister company, RCM Wealth Advisors. Tim is no stranger to advising institutions and agribusinesses where he has been implementing no-nonsense financial planning strategies and market investment disciplines to help Clients build and maintain wealth and reach financial goals since

Inside this jam-packed session, we’re taking a break from commodities, and talking about the world of equities, interest rates, tax savings, and business planning strategies. Plus, Jeff and Tim delve into a variety of topics like:

  • The current state of the markets within the wealth management industry
  • Is there a beacon of hope, or is it all doom and gloom for the markets?
  • Other strategies to think about outside of the stock market and so much more!


Via Barchart.com


Contact an Ag Specialist Today

Whether you’re a producer, end-user, commercial operator, RCM AG Services helps protect revenues and control costs through its suite of hedging tools and network of buyers/sellers — Contact Ag Specialist Brady Lawrence today at 312-858-4049 or [email protected].


31 Mar 2023


The USDA prospective plantings and quarterly stocks reports were released today, March 31st, with a mix of news. The report pegged this year’s crop at 92 million acres while the trade estimates were about 91 million. This led to a mixed trade as pre-report strength faded with futures ending mixed for the day. Current US weather conditions and the expectation of a slow start to planting could lead to this number falling, it is unlikely we will see a number higher than this the rest of the year, similar to last year. Corn stocks were lower than estimates by 69 million bushels and over 350 million bushels lower than last year.

Via Barchart

Soybeans received a boost from the report as with lower acreage and stocks than expected. The planted acreage number came in at 87.5 million acres, lower than the 88.24 million trade estimate. The quarterly stocks were 247 million bushels lower than a year ago, continuing to show the tightness on the balance sheet. South America still has some uncertainty around their crop, but we should get a better idea in the coming weeks. Both numbers from today’s report are seen as bullish for the market.

Via Barchart

Wheat saw some bearish numbers with higher planted acreage and higher stocks than pre-report estimates. 49.9 million acres, 1 million over estimates, and 946 million bushels in stocks, 934 mbu estimate, were both bearish while the price did not overreact. Wheat will follow corn’s lead for now with many questions still surrounding the conditions in the southern plains and the Black Sea.

Via Barchart

Cotton’s bounce this week back to over 83 cents was very welcome after a couple weeks of lower trade. The market did not have a major reaction to the report with planted acreage estimates coming in at 11.3 million acres vs the 11.2 million trade estimate. Speculative short covering helped cotton rally this week while spreads were also a lower than normal percent of the trade. The problem continues to remain of recession fears and how that affects companies purchases trying to weigh supply and demand.

Via Barchart

Equity Markets

Equities had another good week as investors seem to believe the Fed will relax with rate hikes and the banking fears have calmed down along with an ease in inflation pressure as we slowly move lower. Tech companies would be the beneficiary of lowering rates by the end of the year but the Fed’s recent comments would indicate they have no intention to lower rates before the end of the year. There was strength in most sectors this week.

Via Barchart

Drought Monitor

The eastern corn belt has gotten plenty of moisture, some too much, so far this winter with the western corn belt needing more heading into the spring.


With every new year, there are new opportunities, and there’s no better time to dive deeply into the stock market and tax-saving strategies for 2023 than now. In our latest episode of the Hedged Edge, we’re joined by Tim Webb, Chief Investment Officer and Managing Partner from our sister company, RCM Wealth Advisors. Tim is no stranger to advising institutions and agribusinesses where he has been implementing no-nonsense financial planning strategies and market investment disciplines to help Clients build and maintain wealth and reach financial goals since

Inside this jam-packed session, we’re taking a break from commodities, and talking about the world of equities, interest rates, tax savings, and business planning strategies. Plus, Jeff and Tim delve into a variety of topics like:

  • The current state of the markets within the wealth management industry
  • Is there a beacon of hope, or is it all doom and gloom for the markets?
  • Other strategies to think about outside of the stock market and so much more!


Via Barchart.com


Contact an Ag Specialist Today

Whether you’re a producer, end-user, commercial operator, RCM AG Services helps protect revenues and control costs through its suite of hedging tools and network of buyers/sellers — Contact Ag Specialist Brady Lawrence today at 312-858-4049 or [email protected].


24 Mar 2023


Corn leveled out over the past couple weeks after its move lower into the mid $5 range. Good exports and continued problems in Argentina have been able to keep corn from moving any further lower while funds continue to offload long positions. Corn will continue to trade here until the prospective plantings and quarterly stocks report on the 31st that will play a role in its next move. There could be surprise news that gives it a bump higher or lower but for overall directional change something surprising would need to be in the report. How the USDA adjusts for further losses in Argentina and unpredictable world demand will be two questions to look for in the stocks report.

Via Barchart

Soybeans finally caved and followed corn and wheat lower after putting up a good fight. Brazil’s record bean harvest is under way and with insufficient storage they have to get rid of them driving prices lower to keep US beans even remotely competitive. Like corn the funds are legging out of their long held long positions making the moves sudden and large. Beans saw a nice bounce to end the week making up for Thursdays losses. One would expect the markets to calm down a little next week as the report looms large for any further downward pressure or welcome support.

Via Barchart

Equity Markets

The markets continue to be confused as they look for guidance that does not appear to be coming. Sec. Yellen this week flipped back and forth on whether or not they would increase deposit insurance for a period of time to help calm fears while the Fed went ahead with its 25 point rate hike. The banking issues make analysts think the Fed could cut rates before the end of the year helping tech stocks but ultimately the Fed likely wont cut rates until we are in a recession.

Via Barchart

Drought Monitor

The eastern corn belt has gotten plenty of moisture so far this winter with the western corn belt needing more heading into the spring.


With every new year, there are new opportunities, and there’s no better time to dive deeply into the stock market and tax-saving strategies for 2023 than now. In our latest episode of the Hedged Edge, we’re joined by Tim Webb, Chief Investment Officer and Managing Partner from our sister company, RCM Wealth Advisors. Tim is no stranger to advising institutions and agribusinesses where he has been implementing no-nonsense financial planning strategies and market investment disciplines to help Clients build and maintain wealth and reach financial goals since

Inside this jam-packed session, we’re taking a break from commodities, and talking about the world of equities, interest rates, tax savings, and business planning strategies. Plus, Jeff and Tim delve into a variety of topics like:

  • The current state of the markets within the wealth management industry
  • Is there a beacon of hope, or is it all doom and gloom for the markets?
  • Other strategies to think about outside of the stock market and so much more!


Via Barchart.com


Contact an Ag Specialist Today

Whether you’re a producer, end-user, commercial operator, RCM AG Services helps protect revenues and control costs through its suite of hedging tools and network of buyers/sellers — Contact Ag Specialist Brady Lawrence today at 312-858-4049 or [email protected].


10 Mar 2023


The last 2 weeks have not been friendly to corn despite a neutral to bullish USDA report this week. The USDA lowered Argentina’s production by 40 mmt, but the crop could still be smaller amid a historically poor weather year in Argentina. Corn took a nosedive to end the month of February and has taken another leg lower this week, with the new crop hitting $5.50. After a flat trade for most of February the move lower presents farmers with important decisions regarding what to do for crop insurance. With the Feb average price of $5.91, 40ish cents higher than current levels, farmers should seriously look at the highest level of revenue protection you can get. The premiums will likely be high, but the recent price movement has created an uncertain environment with a long way to go.

Via Barchart

Soybeans moved lower again this week after rebounding last week as soybeans have held together better than corn. Bean stocks were tighter than the trade expected while exports were up 25 mbu but crush down 10 mbu. Global oilseed supply and demand forecasts include lower production, crush and stocks. Like for corn, the USDA lowered Argentina’s production below the average trade estimate. While the news out of the report was mildly bullish, the negativity around corn and wheat bled into beans to end the week.

Via Barchart

Cotton was punched in the mouth on Friday after trading lower this week. The USDA did not make any significant changes to the supply and demand report. The lack of demand is the main problem as the global 22/23 forecasts this month include lower consumption and trade with higher production and stocks. The world economic outlook is questionable for the coming year and a global recession would hurt cotton more than other areas.

Via Barchart


The story for wheat has not changed as markets continue to get crushed. The report made no major changes to forecasts and balance sheets and there has not been any major changes in Ukraine as Russia continues their assault. Russian officials are expected to meet with UN officials in Geneva on March 13 to discuss the grain deal renewal and trade sanctions.

Equity Markets

Equity Markets moved lower this week on overall market weakness and the Silicon Valley Bank news. While one day doesn’t make a trend, the trend lower since the start of February looks to have room to move lower with another big jobs added number keeping the Fed rate hikes as a question mark.

Via Barchart

Drought Monitor

The eastern corn belt has gotten plenty of moisture so far this winter with the western corn belt needing more heading into the spring.


With every new year, there are new opportunities, and there’s no better time to dive deeply into the stock market and tax-saving strategies for 2023 than now. In our latest episode of the Hedged Edge, we’re joined by Tim Webb, Chief Investment Officer and Managing Partner from our sister company, RCM Wealth Advisors. Tim is no stranger to advising institutions and agribusinesses where he has been implementing no-nonsense financial planning strategies and market investment disciplines to help Clients build and maintain wealth and reach financial goals since

Inside this jam-packed session, we’re taking a break from commodities, and talking about the world of equities, interest rates, tax savings, and business planning strategies. Plus, Jeff and Tim delve into a variety of topics like:

  • The current state of the markets within the wealth management industry
  • Is there a beacon of hope, or is it all doom and gloom for the markets?
  • Other strategies to think about outside of the stock market and so much more!


Via Barchart.com


Contact an Ag Specialist Today

Whether you’re a producer, end-user, commercial operator, RCM AG Services helps protect revenues and control costs through its suite of hedging tools and network of buyers/sellers — Contact Ag Specialist Brady Lawrence today at 312-858-4049 or [email protected].